Thursday, August 3

 Hey Eric back off of my diva. *wink wink*

I'd say you would look more like Xena, considering the height and your hair. But Wonder Woman too...I just don't know...

6:17 PM | =

 Hour and a half lunches rule. I highly recommend them.
11:53 AM | =

 Reesa, I am the one that is flattered since someone I think is neat-o thinks I'm neat-o...or something. And thanks for the perma-links, can bet I'll be using them.
11:28 AM | =

Wednesday, August 2 layout...sort of.

Crappy bappy is being slow as fuck right now so I can't edit the other pages to the right just deal with it for today, mmmm kay? I have to get to bed. Training tomorrow wooooooooohoooooo.

11:54 PM | =

 It's raining the sort of rain that makes your skin just sigh. Hard, but not so hard it stings, and cool, but not so cold it makes you shudder. A lovely steady blanket of life affirming cleansing. I highly recommend spinning yourself in circles and circles on the grass while its raining like this. Brings out the kid in everyone and makes stress go away. What's work?

Work, for the rest of this week, is going to be at least somewhat enjoyable. Today was the first day of my Mastering Website Fundamentals class. Yes, it's a Microsoft class. Yes I know they're evil. I believe that company is The Man that everyone has always talked about, but I don't really care. This class is getting me out of the hellhole for three days and I do not have to talk to a single customer. Another big sigh.

Plus, we left at 4:25 today. Class started at 8:30 and we took an hour lunch. By my calculations, that is only 7 hours of class time. I make salary; I'll still be paid the same. This just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

So after I left class (the sun was still out! amazing!), I came home and chatted with Zuba for a couple of minutes. She was sad. That's enough of that.

I needed to do laundry so I decided just to go to the laundromat. I've not had to go to the laundromat in my life; I've always had a washer and dryer in the house that I can use. Scott and Amy and the kids always have laundry going, and I feel bad if I jump in the washer when they're doing laundry, so my clothes always pile up and pile up until I'm scrounging to find a pair of socks that match each other, much less the outfit I'm wearing. So today I packed up my big clear blue laundry basket, the black laundry bag my ex left here, and my little white 99 cent basket that has one collapsed side and drove my ass to the laundromat. I had to stop at Rite Aid on the way to get bleach and s'more Tide since I only had enough for one load. I filled five top load washing machines with clothes, soap, and fabric softner. I sat down in the white plastic chairs from 1970, and I read. It was quiet, or so it seemed because the machines were drowning out what little noise people in the place were making. I sat there in the hella uncomfortable chair and I read. For 45 minutes it was just me and Inga dishin' about periods and tampons and sea sponges and cramps and the moon. No computer, no phone, no one around that was bothering me. Just me, Tide, and Inga. It was almost relaxing in a strange sort of way; the hum of the machines almost meditative. "Yes," I kept thinking, "I'm going to do this every week." I'll make an event of doing laundry. I'll get myself some Evian and bring a book I've been meaning to read and I'll do my damn laundry.

9:30 PM | =

 I"m in training today, so I doubt I'll have the means/time to update today. Trust's a good thing.
7:22 AM | =

Tuesday, August 1

 Krista has a new site and it is just loverly..YAY!
8:49 PM | =

 Zakh...darling youngin'...I KNOW I am a babe :)

dork :P~

8:46 PM | =

 I dig. And I relate.
7:18 PM | =

 ZAKH?! What the hell does that little comment mean, huh? Are you saying I'm not the babe you once thought I was? Or what...? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
6:55 PM | =

 To Whom it May Concern:

Hello. It's been a long time since I've written; sorry about that. You know me, though. I only seem to write when I need or want something. This time I have several questions. Thank you in advance.

1) Do I need to build an arc? I only ask because it's been raining for just about a week straight now and I'm starting to see flooding. A heads up on this matter would be appreciated.

2) Please send a pair of size 11 leopard print creepers my way. I can't seem to find them around here and the only ones I've seen on eBay...well, I keep getting outbid.

3) Can you help me get over this horrid shyness? I mean, I'm not shy in the traditional sense of the word, but I don't find it easy to talk to people. I'm already getting nervous for the two and a half weeks, and I think things would be a lot more fun if I could just move past the shy thing. I've been trying for about 20 years now and I can't seem to figure it out.

4) I've got a real problem here...could you please make food stop tasting good? I mean, if it tasted just okay or so so I'm sure I would find it much easier to cut back. Also, this PMS thing...I'm getting rather sick of it and I would rather not have to deal on a monthly basis. I don't like mood swings and I certainly don't care for "feeding the girl" everything she wants. She sure can get picky.

5) Alright...this job of mine...could I please get a new one? I mean, I've been here for two years now and I think I've shown that I can hold a job and be responsible, so I feel it's time for me to move on. You know, of course, that I can't do that without having some sort of any talents/skills/knowledge you can magically bestow upon me...well, I'd go to church/temple/mosque/circle/bible camp every week for the rest of my life...that, my friend, is how much I'd appreciate your help in this matter.

6) I'm still waiting to hear on the House Boy order. Do you have a status? His services are needed immediately.

7) Please watch over Tina (she deserves a job already!), Claudia (give her some strength), all four of my parents, Amy (she's going to Vegas), Scott (let him keep this job), Dani (you already know why), Scottie (give the kid a couple inches will ya?), Zuba (she needs the 150 grand...really she does) and her Eddie (the holding onto the pole for dear life thing really wasn't funny), Kelly (and tell her to call me cause I miss her), Lynnie (show her the right way and let her think she found it herself), Diane (an intelligent XY is in order), and all of my family (just cause I have to).

Thank you for your swift attention to these matters.


cc: Gabriel, Leo, Mary, Buddha, Krishna

5:01 PM | =

 Hmm...interesting things afoot over at the Oceanblog today. Yes. Very interesting. I have, far too often for my own taste, thought the very same things. I started this thing so I could get bull off of my chest and feel like its being heard, but now...I can't talk about 75% of the things I want to talk about because I'm afraid someone will read it and get offended or hurt. My sister, for example, got a little bit ticked when I posted that I was mad that she was late one morning. So...

DISCLAIMER: I will say whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want about whoever the fuck I want. I refuse to feel confined by niceities and politeness and "oops I hope she doesn't get offended" any longer. Fuck that.

2:51 PM | =

 48 minutes until my day is half over. This is so painful. My phone rings and I cringe. I look at the clock and think that at least a half hour's gone by, but its only five minutes. I'm hungry and I'm not used to eating this late any more.

Thank everything I know that I have training the next three days.

2:10 PM | =

 Again, Reesa and I share the same life or brain or something.
1:52 PM | =

 I really shouldn't have come in today. I really should be home laying in my bed and sulking.
1:42 PM | =

 I've always had some sort of distaste for "the popular people" no matter where I am. High school, college, work, message boards, blogging...all the same. I am never one of them so I don't like them. I've never really stopped to think about why they're popular or what makes that person different from me. I really should think about that. Or I should just accept it.
12:19 PM | =

 Coming soon! sugar+brine will be moving to a server with NO banner ads that is run by really nice people.
11:37 AM | =

 This is my new nickname. I like it. I must be weird.
11:29 AM | =

Monday, July 31

 WHAT THE HOLY MOTHERFUCKING FUCK is with the stupid "Win a DVD Player" pop up ads now?! FUCK THAT. It's bad enough we have a dumb ol' flashing banner at the top...DON'T MAKE SHIT POP UP, GOD DAMN IT.

I'm emailing the Bappy webmaster.

6:00 PM | =

 I haven't read any blogs today...not even Zuba's. All I've done is bid on and/or drool over eBay items. The addiction is back in full swing. Sigh.

I won auctions for a pair of shoes and a Bettie Page bracelet. I'm happy about that.

I don't really have anything else to say except...three weeks.

3:42 PM | =

 It still freaks me out just for a second when I see the name Hugh Jackman. I wonder if we're related.
12:09 PM | =

 <singing>I'm sooooooo tired</singing>
11:19 AM | =

 Thank goodness for eBay. It's distracting me today so I'm not thinking about the fact that I am at work.
10:50 AM | =

 I have PMS really bad.

I do not want to go to work.

I am listening to Limp Bizkit. So angry for first thing in the morning.

I am eating Ben and Jerry's Entangled Mints. So rich for first thing in the morning.

Fuck work. For real. I do not want to go. THBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT to work! Viva la sick day!

8:33 AM | =

open links in new window?


random shot

deep thoughts






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My basil baby. He was only three inches tall when I got him. the baby that started my plant 'thing'. Perry-winkle Patchouli baby was only about 4 inches tall when I got him. Lemon balm freshly harvested Black hollyhock. Nuff said. I can't wait till my columbine grows flowers!