Saturday, July 15

My sister is bogus. She said she'd be here at 7:30 but she's not here and its 7:48. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...
7:47 AM |

Friday, July 14

Another hits for sex site. Unreal.
7:24 PM |

I blame Penthouse for this referral:


4:20 PM |

Man Hurls Wife Out Window After Chicken Dispute

At first I giggled, then I read the story. Its sad.

Semi-stolen from David Gagne and his fine self.

2:48 PM |

I just want to hug this guy. Not necessarily in a sexual way, but in a comforting mothering caring sort of way. I want to let him cry on my shoulder until he doesn't want to cry any more. He brought tears to my eyes that haven't been there in quite some time now. It just reminds me that pushing things off to the side doesn't make them go away; it only makes them worse in the long run.
2:05 PM |

I live in a haunted house. I've known it all along, but it has never been so apparent as it is to me now.

See, the house is old. Not old enough to be declared a historical landmark, but old enough to be old and creepy. It's quite large and the layout is unlike anything I'd seen before I met my housemates. Everyone that comes to the house loves the place; I think it has character. It's a cool house with a lot of potential. We're too poor to make the potential into reality, but that's another subject all together. There are doors that don't open for unknown reasons, leaks in the roof that no roofer in southeast Michigan can fix, plumbing problems that refuse to go away, cubby holes in the upstairs bedrooms, and hidden staircases. Once we found pre-Civil War Southern paper money in the attic. The house has history, that's for sure.

Strange things have always happened in the house. There are several stories involving several different people, not just those of us that live there. My friend Kelly actually saw Scott's grandfather (it was his house before he died and left it to Scott). Things have moved. People tell me they can't sleep there because they constantly feel like someone is watching them. My cat was locked in the bathroom. The radio turned on. The stories go on and on. Pretty much everything has happened to people that already believe in spirits and the after life until now.

The lights in my bedroom haven't worked at all in about six months. We couldn't figure out why, which is no surprise in that house, so I just learned to live without them. It was annoying but I am young and can adapt. My housemates, Scott and Amy, were going to visit Amy's sister in Florida about two weeks ago. They were to be gone a week. They were leaving on Friday afternoon and returning the following Friday night or Saturday morning. I was going to be in the big scary house all alone. I was nervous, but I was going to deal.

The Friday they were leaving, I was laying in bed thinking about getting up to go to work. I was working the late shift that day and didn't have to be in until 11am. It was about nine, if memory serves, when all of the sudden my lights turned on. They hadn't worked AT ALL in six months, and here they were a'blazin. I ran upstairs and dragged Amy down to my room to be witness and to confirm that I am not crazy. She and Scott were running late, but she came anyway and saw that the lights were on. "Yeah cool now you have lights okay I have to go I'm running late see you in a week" was pretty much all she said. I, however, was dumbfounded. This was perfect timing because I was going to be alone for the next week and man oh man am I scared of the dark. Lights in my bedroom would comfort me at least a little bit. Great. Fantastic. This house is so weird.

The lights worked constantly for the next week. I know they were working because I have a ceiling fan and it was on all the time. The Friday night that everyone was scheduled to return (or so I thought) the lights went out again. I somehow knew to go check the lights, even though I was watching TV. I went into the bedroom and flicked the switch, but nothing happened. I damned the electricity and went back into the living room. I thought to myself how odd it was that the lights were on for just that week while I was alone. I called Zuba and told her. She was instantly convinced that it was a spirit or angel or something trying to comfort me while I was alone. Interesting thought, but I wasn't convinced.

Wednesday night of this week (four days after everyone returned from Florida) Amy's brother-in-law came over to visit. He loves hockey and the WWF and beer. He plays euchre ruthlessly and makes smartass comments at every possible moment...a man's manly man, if you will. He's also a licensed electrician. The guy fixes this stuff for a living. I conned him into taking a look at my room. I just told him that the lights were unpredictable; they would work and then not work for no apparent reason. He spent nearly two and a half hours tracking down every plug, switch, wire, and whip in the room. He changed every fuse, reset all of the breakers and a lot of things I had no idea what he meant. I just sat back on my computer and let him do his thing. Finally he said, "Alright...this can't be right but I'll try it anyway" and opened the plug behind my TV in the living room. This plug is on the wall leading into my bedroom. He popped it open and stood up and looked at it. He lit a cigarette. He looked at me with huge eyes. "What? What is it man? Tell me!" I said over and again. He stumbled to get his words out. He said, "Erica, that room should never have had electricity at all. The wires that feed that room are completely capped off. Look!" He showed me how the wires that had caps on them led into my room and showed me how that wire fed the plug which fed the switch which fed...well you get the picture. He was absolutely stunned. The guy could barely speak. Every hair on his arms was standing up and he was pacing back and forth asking me again and again, "You're sure those lights worked. They worked. Really? They couldn't have worked, Erica...they don't have any electricity going to them." Finally he said, "Well, they could be backfed from somewhere else...let me check." He proceeded to do a bunch of tests and opened every switch in my room. To be honest, I don't know exactly what he was doing. I just kept hearing him damn everything and test everything three times. I smiled because I knew that Zuba was right all along. Someone comforted me by making sure my lights worked. Finally, the electrician (also named Scott) comes out of my bedroom and tells me that he never believed in God or spirits or any sort of after life before, but he is 100% convinced that something turned my lights on and it wasn't the electricity from the house. He said, "I never believed in God until today, and now I'm starting to doubt everything."

I just smiled because I knew that someone was watching out for me.

12:02 PM |

Thursday, July 13

Hmm...leather chair sticks to the leg skin.
9:33 PM |

Oh and P.S.
My sister is just about the coolest thing ever. She signed my guestbook twice. She rules the world even if she does have the crappiest of the crappy temp job.
And don't let her fool you...she's wicked creative. It runs in the family. :)

5:54 PM |

I bought a new office chair. I think it's just about the best thing I've ever done for myself.
It's leather. It's black. It's got a high back. It's got arm rests. It rolls. It moves up and down. It tilts. It has lumbar support.
It was originally 299 dollars. I practically stole it at 79.99. Ooooh yah.

5:52 PM |

Alright I know this is cheesy but I do not care...I love these things.

1.) What time is it: 3:16
2.) Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Erica L--- J------
3.) Nicknames: Er, Ica, Orton (don't ask and DO NOT CALL ME THAT), RavenSpirit, Raves, Ravey, Auntie Erica
4.) Parents names: Lynn and Cliff...step parents Tony and Linda
5.) Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: I think it was something like 6...the blue ones were worth 10 each
6.) Date that you regularly blow them out: 9.28
7.) Pets: attention whore gray fluff ball kitty cat
8.) Height: 5 8
9.) Eye Color: Brown
10.) Hair Color: brownish red
11.) Piercings: 10
12.) Tattoos: 3
13.) How much do you love your mom: I can't verbalize how much I love and admire that woman.
14.) Birthplace:Rochester, MI
15.) Hometown: Sterling Hts, MI
16.) Current residence: Somewhere in MI
17.) Had the drink Calypso Breeze?: I think so. Isn't that pineapple juice and cranberry and vodka? or something?
18.) Been to Africa?: No way. I don't like to go to places where lions could eat me.
19. Been toilet papering?: uh no
20.) Been in a car crash?: 3 or 4
21.) Croutons or bacon bits?: neither
22.) 2 doors or 4 doors (on a car)?: I have 2 on my truck and trust me it was funny trying to squeeze me, Zuba, and Eddie in at once.
23.) Sprite or 7-up?: If I have to pick I'd pick Sprite.
24.) Coffee or coffee ice cream?: Coffee. But I'd rather have chai.
25.) Blanket or stuffed animal?: only a blanket. always a blanket.
26.) Dumper or dumpee?: always been the dumpee.
What's your favorite....
27.) Salad dressing: champagne
28.) Color of socks: all my socks have crazy patterns on them
29.) Number: 963
30.) Why?: the power of 3
31.) Movie: i can not pick just one...Swingers, Pulp Fiction, Dead Poets Society, and What Dreams May Come are my top faves of the moment...oh and American Beauty!
32.) Quote from a movie: I know the entire script of Pulp fiction and just about the whole script of Swingers...but WDMC has the most meaning to me.
33.) Favorite Holiday: Halloween
34.) Favorite Foods: mexican and italian
35.) Day of the week: Saturday
36.)Song of the moment: #2 from Ani DiFranco's To The Teeth
37.) Favorite TV Show: Antiques Roadshow and Emeril Live
38.) Word or phrase: as much as i hate to admit it...dude.
39.) Toothpaste: Mentadent Crystal Ice
40.) Restaurant: La Shish
41.) Flower: Columbine or hollyhock
42.) Least favorite subject: Math and Science
43.) Alcoholic drink: Captain & Coke with a fat ass lime
44.) Sport to watch: WWF even though its "sports entertainment"
45.) Type of ice: crushed
46.) Zoo exhibit: the zoo depresses me. I like penguins though cause they waddle
47.) Seasame street character: Elmo
48.) Disney/Warner Brothers: Ariel from the Little Mermaid
49.) Fast Food Restaurant: Taco Bell
50.) When was your last hospital visit?: Hmm...I think I went to the emergency room in December
51.) What color is your bedroom carpet? brown
52.) Favorite drink?: Pepsi. OH my god Pepsi.
53.) What was the name of your childhood blanket?: i don't think i had one
54.) How many times did you fail your permit and/or driver's license
test?: zero. but i've had my license suspended twice
55.) What do you think of Ouija Boards?: the ouija boards aren't always true...but the psychic circle is scary true
56.) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: out of Michigan
57.) Who is the last person you got an e-mail from before this one?: Zuba sent me a wassssssup parody
58.) Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card?: hmm...either Cost Plus or LB
59.) What do you do most often when you are bored?: Computer.
60.) What words or phrases do you use most often? dude. and shut up
61.) Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away: AZ
62.) The most annoying thing?: scraping a fork or spoon across your teeth! UGGGGGGGH! and realizing that your friends live too far away
63.) Best thing: feeling safe
64.) Bedtime: weekdays is usually between 11 and 1...weekends...who knows
65.) Who will respond to this the fastest?: N/A
66.) What time is it now?: 3:44

3:43 PM |

Wednesday, July 12

Wow...all Erica bloggers must be cute redheads with glasses. Well maybe not all redheads, but we're all cute.
4:27 PM |

I was reading my old poems today. I forgot how much I love this one...

To my left is a series of large picture windows
I can see out but no one can see in
The tiny courtyard below is spotted
with a couple of trees that won’t get too big
and overpower the picnic table or create any shade
for the noon day diners to enjoy.

I sit in my sterile cube
the few ‘personal items’ I have in my space
offer me no relief from the low tambered murmur
of technology and infrastructure service
and megabytes and ringing telephones
and courtesy copies
and backslash dot com
hell I am stuck in.
My brain begins to move at the click click speed
of my neighbor’s typing
and I mesmerize myself so I’ll survive the afternoon
yet again
and I let my eyes lose their focus
and concentrate on listening to my blood flow through my veins
so I don’t lose myself in this afternoon
hang on my phone is ringing…

My days here consist of revisions
and memos
and correspondence between teams
and policies and procedures
and suggestions that don’t go anywhere
Yesterday I had a conference call.
People from TPD and MM were involved
and we discussed P&P regarding handling
faxes and requests from XTERM customers.
Should ACQ take the lead and make it an action item?
or should we designate an SPOC?

I don’t want to decide.


2:48 PM |

Krispy Kreme
and more Krispy Kreme
Can you take it any more?
How silly would a fat girl look wearing this?
1:43 PM |

I've decided that I need to share my rather extensive quote collection. I'm going to be putting one or two up every day in the 'deep thoughts' section to the right. It's Blogger powered, baby.
11:25 AM |

I just completely lost the last 45 minutes. I was thinking I'd go to bed at midnight, and here it is 12:30 and I didn't even think it was time for bed yet.
12:27 AM |

Tuesday, July 11

Eminem strikes again. When is this a-hole going to stop amusing me? I think I have so much tolerance for his a-hole behaviors because his house is about ten minutes from mine; guess that makes me somewhat star struck. Not really. I just dig it when white trashy east side white boys go berzerk and become millionaires and rap with Dr. Dre.

Oh, and by the way...he's threatening to move out of Sterling Heights because the city won't let him put up a fence and people come knocking on his door all of the time. Well, Marshall, if you didn't have tons of cars and people in front of your house all of the time, maybe we commonfolk wouldn't know where you live.

3:45 PM |

I love online poetry.
3:00 PM |

Have I mentioned lately how much I admire this lady? Cause I do. She's so honest and witty.
1:27 PM |

Ack. Enough of the crappy Buddha "oh I'm so damn insightful and melodramatic I have to make a bold thoughtful statement with every damn post" crap. Enough, I say.

I'm happy that I got my overtime pay today. A hundred buckaroos for working 3.5 hours. Not bad; not bad I say. Maybe I should just go out and completely blow it on stuff I don't need. Then again maybe I won't.

12:47 PM |

I'm sorry I made you cry. I didn't mean to at all. I do, however, completely understand where you're coming from.

I, too, have very low self esteem; always have. I constantly feel like I have to be 'on'. If I'm not, I feel like people are laughing at me and think I'm dumb or inadequate. The whole world is my stage, only because I feel like it has to be or I'll flop around like a fish on dry sand. I'm not comfortable in my skin most days simply because I don't allow myself to relax and enjoy the ride. It is almost impossible for me to be completely relaxed and not think about anything. Even driving in my truck I feel like people are looking and I better not jam out too hard core cause someone driving by might think I'm lame. I try to rationally think about it. Why do I even care what complete strangers think? What does it matter how they look at me? It shouldn't. And I've always said that it didn't. I was always calling out the standard, "I don't care what other people think" line but that was just covering for the fact that I care too much. Guess I was just trying to convince myself that other people's opinions didn't matter. Really what I was doing was lying to myself. Coming to that realization was one of the worst feelings I've ever had.

See, that's where the ego comes in. I DO care. I care about what other people think. I want to be accepted. I want to feel love. Now this is the tricky part...if I learn to be rid of my ego and that feeling that I have to be accepted, the feelings of acceptance will come. Imagine a life where all you had to worry about was helping other people and loving other people...only giving yourself the minimum amount of attention. It's not about ignoring yourself, it's about turning your view. If you're writing a book, think about why you're writing it. Do you have something to say that will help or entertain other people, or are you writing it to get something off your chest? If you feel like you're helping others, you will feel like you have that love and acceptance. You will feel satisfaction. You'll feel purpose.

I've been told a lot in my life that 'you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you' but the more I think about it the more I think it's bullshit. If your primary focus is to better the world, you are giving the ultimate sacrifice. If your primary focus is to make sure you love yourself, that's nothing but selfish. Through loving others you prove your love for yourself.

11:55 AM |

Monday, July 10

There are societies in other (much more exotic than Detroit) places of the world that think a human can only move on to the next level of being when that human has learned how to be completely devoid of any sort of attachment to the ego. People work for years to be rid of this attachment and the comfort that comes from stroking and loving your ego. These great spiritual people roam the country, living off of donations of common folk. They can go for days without eating simply because they train their mind to not be hungry and so...they're not.

People in this country (sorry...being oh so America-centric again) can hardly fathom that sort of life. Why? Because we believe we can do better. We have far much more to do with our little fucked up lives than to walk the earth and learn about people and ourselves and God and our human fragility. We would much rather have unfulfilling jobs that require us to give up our bodies for 40+ hours a week cause...ya know...that's a whole lot of fun. Americans would rather drive their SUVs to little Johnny's soccer practice than spend some quality time alone with themselves. Why are we so afraid to be alone? Why are we so afraid to ask ourselves the hard questions...the questions that don't really have answers and if they do they're certainly not set in stone? Why do I get so pissed off when I don't have five offers to go out every weekend? I've figured out why.

I am intimitely attached to my ego and I do not want to let go.

I have a hunger that eats away at my guts every day. It's a hunger that I need to be out doing something better with my life. I feel the need to be helping, doing, learning, experiencing, tasting, fucking, talking, listening, going, coming. Each morning I wake up and have a sort of salty taste in my mouth and I know I'm still here...still doing the same ol' same ol'. Still unfulfilled. Still unhappy. Still yearning.

I've come to the realization that all I'm yearning for is fuel to feed my ego.

This life is such a contridiction. We're told from the time we're young that we can be whatever it is we want to be...and that we deserve the best...we have it inside and we just need to try. If someone takes all of that advice to heart and really believes in herself, she is an egomanic or stuck up or conceited. I'm just doing what you told me to do, you fucks. Thus, the term ego has become somewhat of a nasty word. If you're told to get your ego in check you know it's not meant to be a nice thing. We call girls stuck up when they have self confidence, yet a loser when they feel ugly. I'm not pretending that I'm making any new and wonderful statement when I say this world is full of contridictions; I've just come to realize how greatly these messages have affected me.

And so, here I am...prickled, roughed up ego and nowhere to turn. I do want to be better. I want to be the best I can be. I want to make a difference or a discovery or at least 75k a year. I'll probably do none of those things within this lifetime and that has me bruised. My ego is still hungry and I have no fresh meat to throw at it...hell there aren't even any scraps or slop these days.

I'm jaded; I'll admit that.

Would I be happier if the yell of my ego was quieted to a whisper? I doubt it. How could I be? This place that I live is not a place that is even the slightest bit supportive of someone that is complacent with living without things and without people and without money. My parents would be ashamed and frankly so would I.

I think the hardest thing I've ever done was to admit to myself that I'm not quite the person I thought I was. I'll admit that I like having things and I like having friends and feeling accepted and I want to be needed and loved. Denial is just so god damn easy to fall back on. It's so simple just to say I don't care what people think and I don't care that no one calls and I don't care about anyone else so fuck off. The fact of the matter is, if anyone says that to you they're lying. That person just won't admit that their ego is screaming.

10:31 AM |

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