Friday, July 7

I'm throwing a temper tantrum.
Watch me whine.
Watch me take down my site cause I really just want to kick and scream and yell and cry.
I'm not "fed up with the blogging community" or anything lame like that.
I'm frustrated with myself. My life. My world. My lack of fucking creativity. My lack of pretty much a lot of stuff.
I'm frustrated that I get scared for no reason. I'm frustrated that the first thing I did after work was go get me some JD coolers to soothe my prickled ego.
That is, my friend, exactly what this is about...MY FUCKING EGO.
I don't have one. I have too big of one. Whatever the fucking case it's about my ego.

This is me throwing a temper tantrum.
I hated that god damn layout anyways.

7:05 PM |

Thursday, July 6

Girl I told you I'd help ya any way I can...just let me know what you have in mind and I'll see if I can help! If I can't...I'm sure we can find someone that can.
9:39 PM |

Dear F,

I guess I just don't understand you. What's worse is that I don't quite understand why I want to understand you. I guess it's just that whole mystery thing, though I don't quite know what is so mysterious about you for crying out loud. I guess it's because you refuse to open up to me, which is fine I suppose. I just hate feeling like I'm constantly playing tug-o-war with you to have a conversation with me. Yet if I don't talk...something is always "wrong". I guess that just makes me feel as if you think I'm not worth sharing your secrets. That's fine too, but don't expect me to share mine any more. I'm not here to amuse you; I'm not here for your sexual satisfaction either. Don't count on me being accessable. I am not stupid. You make me feel stupid.

I don't even know what I want or what I expect or how I feel. I am also very sick of trying to figure those things out.


7:25 PM |

I feel the need to sing this right now...

Don't say morning's come
Don't say it's up to me
If I could take 25 minutes
out of the record books.
He brings me sugar
Bobby's collecting bees
and hammers, he used one on me.
Cold war with little boys
Get in with a bubble gum trade...
Bring me sugar
And all the robins bring
Bring me many things but...
He brings me sugar
As far as I can tell
I've been gone for miles now
And you know, and I know
I don't know me very well
And I know, and you know
if they found me out.
He brings me sugar
And all the robins bring
They bring me many things but...

-Tori Amos

1:39 PM |

I love that I worked overtime last week and now I'm going to get a 100 dollar gift check. Awww yah. Money makes me happy, as much as I hate to admit it. Or I should say, the lack of money makes me unhappy...therefore money makes me happy. =/

Oh yeah, and boys are still dumb.

11:12 AM |

I take it Zakhary doesn't like the new design...he says, "*gasp* what happened to ericas site? the pink, the white.. have all turned to.. grey and black. whoa!" sniff. sniff.

That's okay...I'd still have a crush on him if I was younger.

10:32 AM |

Wednesday, July 5

I like NesQuick. It's good. It's chocolate-y. MMmmMMmmm.

I don't like when I hang around men that aren't good for me. No no I do not. It's bad. I just set myself up for hurt and annoyances. Bad bad.

I don't like Survivor. I watched it for the first time tonight. It's lame. The people are annoying. They fight over chickens. They ate dog food. Dumb dumb.

11:33 PM |

My darling Laura...I'm not that depressed. The pictures aren't mine either hon...I put a tiny disclaimer at the bottom of this page, but I'll say it here too...The artwork used on this site is by Edward Gorey. They're all from the Gashlycrumb Tinies book. If you've never read/seen it, go here this instant. You'll see where I got the inspiration from. Well, where I stole it from actually.

And as a side note...Krispy Kreme was founded by the devil incarnate.

6:48 PM |

Alright...I can deal with some of her half assed, trying to be bitchy but just sounding childish opinions but this is where I draw the line.

Perhaps these disorders seem "trendy" to you, Miss Snow Queen, but let me tell you THEY ARE REAL. People suffer. People hurt. People DIE from this shit. For someone that is admittedly a "bible thumper", you're awfully full of hate. Oh wait...that's not hate...that's closed-mindedness and naïveté.

2:34 PM |

catty goths: bringing cattiness out of the Old Navy closet.
1:38 PM |

Gross. I just sneezed and something stringy and clear flew onto the lens of my glasses.

Thank goodness this is a short work week. I'm already going insane and its only 2.5 hours into it.

What is it about me that makes the people close to me want to run? I've had so many good friends that I've lost because of some unknown (to me) reason that is never explained and I'm never told WHY. Do I not make enough effort? Am I selfish? Moody? Do I not give enough? Too much? I just don't know any more. I'm so done trying to understand other people; I barely understand myself these days. What the hell is happening to me? Why do I feel so alone? Why did I spend that last four days alone in the house...barely leaving at all or seeing other humans? Why do I feel like I can't say anything or stick up for myself or express how I really feel?

I want, more than anything, to march up to Kelly's door and tell her to her face exactly how I feel and how her actions make me feel. There are things that I need to say to her. There are things I need for her to hear. I just can't do it. Got up the courage once, but she wasn't there. I went to her website again today; I guess it's because it's the only way I can get a peek into her life at all. I miss her badly. Very badly.

I'm starting to worry about myself...if that makes any sense. I don't leave the house cept to go to work or the store. I can't remember the last time I went out somewhere fun that didn't involve my parents' house. I honestly can't remember.

No wonder I'm depressed.

12:23 PM |

So I love my new design. Yeehaw.

I'm back at work so be prepared for much bloggation today. I hate this place even more after four days of being away from it. Sigh sigh triple sigh.

I'm getting kind of used to being alone in the house now...and I'm actually kind of enjoying it. I didn't freak out at all last night after dark. Not once. Well okay, maybe a few times but not anything out of the norm for me...even when people are there. I think it was mostly because of the fireworks that continued until 1am. Plus the cat was flipping out and walking all over my face...circling my body over and over...trying to find somewhere to sleep apparently. I tried to kick him out of the bed but he wasn't havin that. He slept in the crook of my leg. It was sort of sweet after it moved past annoying.

I hurt my back yesterday; I thought I still had my Wonder Woman underoos on. I moved the (very old very full) fridge and also my (very big and VERY overly full) dresser. The dresser takes two people to move it when its empty. I don't know what possessed me to think that I could move it yesterday...just a couple inches. Now my back hurts cause I'm hard headed.

Boys are still dumb...dumber than I remembered actually.

9:57 AM |

Tuesday, July 4

Even if it's been your mood since fifth grade, if you have those symptoms I'd suggest you go get treated. I've been depressed pretty much since I was 12 and just recently started taking my disorder seriously and got help. It's the best thing I ever did for myself and I feel better than I ever thought I could.
9:08 PM |

Alright...seems to be working...sigh...

Today's strange referral:


9:04 PM |

Redesign underway...please be patient if things are messed up for the next little bit here... :)
8:06 PM |

HOT. SO fucking hot and sweaty right now. FEH.

I've been working for the past hour at trying to get my clothes situation under control. I have bagged up 2.5 big black lawn trash bags of clothes. I've also thrown away various trinkets and candle holders, and also my old cordless phone. My mission for this summer is to get rid of half of the stuff I own...cause that's all that it is, mostly...STUFF. I'm going to have a problem when it comes to my books...I can feel it already...MUST. RESIST.

Damn. If I have this muct stuff at age (almost) much shit am I going to have at age 65?! Gotta weed some of this out...that's for sure...

4:22 PM |

Monday, July 3

Yup. Still hate coming home to an empty house. Good thing the neighbors were outside when I pulled up tonight...they made me feel better...reassuring me that everyone in the neighborhood watches each other....sometimes I hate that fact but right now I am loving it.
11:46 PM |

Sunday, July 2

Remember when I said that I'd like to live alone and have my own place where no one was around?

I lied.

I hate being alone here in this big scary house. Two days and I haven't really left for more than a few minutes at a time...even that was only 3 times. Sigh. No money, no where to go, and no one to do anything life is pretty pathetic. The highlight of today was when it rained for a little while and I collected some rainwater for my plants. Wooooooweeeeee.

I do like being alone in that I can come and go when I please. I could go out to the movies or shopping if I had any money...and I would have no problem with that. Hmm...a movie sounds great actually...hmmm...

9:26 PM |

open links in new window?


random shot

deep thoughts






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