Friday, June 30

I was thinking....I know there's a 'clique' for non-negative blogging, but there should be a clique or a group for those of us that say "FUCK THAT NON-NEGATIVE SHIT...I'm gonna say whatever I want so be warned when you come here cause I might say something mean about you" or any variation thereof. What do you think?
7:35 PM |

Oh duh I forgot to say...

If you do take any of those wallpapers that I posted yesterday, please email me and let me know. Thank you and now back to your regularly scheduled nonsense.

7:19 PM |

Where oh where has my redesign gone?
Where oh where can it be?
I don't like it no more
so I'll do it oh-ver
Where oh where can it be?

6:12 PM |

If I was younger, I'd totally have a crush on this boy.
5:55 PM |


Britney Spears at her best. teehee.

5:31 PM |

Note to Metro Detroiters: This is a conversation I just had with the manager of FORSTER'S AUTO WASH on 14 mile and John R.

Me: I'd like to speak to the manager please.
Man: Speaking.
Me: <insert five minute long rant here>
Man: <silent>
Me: Well I'd just like you to know that those kids you have working for you [at your carwash] got into my truck, took the CD out of the CD player, opened another CD, took that one out, put the first CD into that case...THE WRONG case...put the second CD in and moved to track #9. This is not acceptable. They also turned the air conditioning on full blast. My mats are completely messed up, and they forgot to vaccuum my truck. I pointed this out to the kid and they stopped drying my truck and took it to get vaccuumed. Now my truck is completely spotted and my mirrors and spotted and my windows are streaked and my truck is spotted and I WASTED EIGHT DOLLARS.
Man: Well we have 15 kids here and I'm glad that 15 even showed up for work today...
Me: Well you should pay more attention to who you hire...
Man: We get some crazy...well I don't want to say crazy...but we get some different kids in here and I can only watch them as good as I can watch them...
Me: You should pay more attention to who you hire...
Man: Well we won't get into that.
Me: FINE. It's still unacceptable for those kids to change my CD and turn on the air.
Man: Well it is hot outside today..
Me: They still shouldn't turn on my air contitioning to MAX and the fan on 4! An eskimo would get frostbite with that much ac!
Man: Well all I can do is offer you a free car wash.
Me: You can offer it but I am not taking it. I can't believe you treat customers like this. I've been coming there for almost two years. I'm a loyal...good customer that spends LOTS of money there...I get the mega wash [ed note: it's 20 bucks a pop] at least every couple of months, I get the full service wash [8 dollars] every couple of are losing a customer over this. I just thought you should know.
Man: Well my name is Tom and if you come in and ask for me I'll be sure your truck gets done right.
Me: No thanks.

4:18 PM |

My fave blog o' the week is titled...ahem...

Handbasket Emporium
A tisket, a tasket
going to hell in a green and yellow basket

I love it. AND...Reesa is a fellow phone person! hooooohah!

2:51 PM |

Thighs hurt.
Ready to leave.
Haven't even had lunch hour yet.
Feel bald.
Work is annoying.

2:33 PM |

So Colleen just sent me an email to make sure I'm going tonight to the restaurant...I CAN NOT WAIT! I am antsy already.
12:52 PM |

My thighs hurt today. That means I'm going to be PMSing in a couple of days. Sigh.

I can't wait to see Colleen tonight. I haven't seen her in FIVE YEARS and tonight is the night. WOOHOO! I can hardly wait.

Amy bought this toy yesterday called Bop-It Deluxe or Mega or something like that. Last night I was playing with it for hours. It's so addictive and annoying at the same time. The voice from the toy says either bop it, spin it, twist it, flick it, or pull it and you have to react and do as the toy says...I know this is sounding weird. If you don't react within the millisecond your 'game' ends. The object is to go as long as you can without messing up. Amy's high score is 60something. I got up to 40 yesterday. I think I'm going to buy one of those this weekend.

Speaking of this weekend, I'm going to be home alone for an entire week alone. Me, my computer, my TV, my couch, and my cat. That's it. Oh, and the ghosts that inhabit the house I guess I'm not going to be entirely alone.

11:09 AM |

So the electricity in my bedroom hasn't worked for several months. We don't know why...but it just stopped working one day. Whatever, right? It sucks but I'm dealing.

I'm laying in bed this morning doing my usual 'hit the snooze alarm 100 times and snuggle up in my covers and pretend it's not really time to get up' routine when I peek at the clock and realize it's 9am (I'm working 11-8 today). I open my eyes and look up at the ceiling and my light and ceiling fan are both on. Mind you, I'd gotten up about a half hour before to go to the bathroom and it wasn't on then. This house is haunted.

8:59 AM |

I made these three wallpapers a while ago. They're sized to 1024 but also look good at 800. I don't mind if you take them or whatever.
12:12 AM |

Thursday, June 29

Why did I cut my hair? WHY oh fucking WHY?!
11:02 PM |

When the fuck did Chinese food become expensive? 10.93 my ass...sheesh.

My hair is now 4 inches shorter. I feel bald.

It was hailing (is that how you even spell that?) about 3 minutes ago, now it's sunny. Can you say tornado weather?

8:15 PM |

Project Bobo: a team of coworkers with a be entertained.
4:16 PM |

Zuba Jess doesn't need any help...she's doing great on her own.
2:41 PM |

As for me, eh, B? You sound as if you're scolding me...rrrrrrawr.

I can't believe I'm actually happy that I paid 1.94 a gallon for gas. I never thought I'd see the day.

2:34 PM |

I know how lame it is to say "Oh wow popular person I know exactly how you feel. Identify with me and be my friend. I'll give you a dollar." I don't care. I'm going to do it anyways.

I read Andrea's Uber piece this morning. I totally identify and that's the triple truth, Ruth.

I, too, am afraid of the dark.

I get so afraid when I wake up in the middle of the night and have to go to the bathroom that most of the time I just try and hold it until the sun comes up. If I can't, I lay in bed and work myself up to actually getting up. I turn the light on in my room and creep to the door. I peek out into my living room (right off of the bedroom) and look for anything that could hurt me/scare me/slash me/maim me/make me cry. Good...nothing's there. I run to the light switch, frantically flip it on, and turn around to look into the room...double checking that nothing is there to hurt me. My heart is usually pounding by now due to the fact that I'm terrified as well as that I just went from a complete non-physical state to a run in about three minutes.

Up the stairs I creep, hitting each light switch with a fly-by flip on. When I finally get to the bathroom, I turn on both lights, take a deep breath and hold it, and leave the door wide open. I have to leave it open, you see, so that I can see if anyone or anything is coming to get me. Each creek makes my heart thump. Every swoosh makes me sweat. When I'm done, I flushandrunrunrun down the stairs, slapping each light switch as I pass. I run back to my bed and cover up from head to toe, hoping that no one followed me.

The first time I watched the movie Sixth Sense, I almost laughed when the kid woke up to go pee. I kept thinking, "That's me...that's ME!" as he ran through the house to the bathroom.

My family thinks it's really funny that I don't walk next to parked cars at night because there might be someone underneath it, waiting to grab my leg and slash my hamstring.

There's something I could defend myself with in each room of my house in case anyone ever came in and I needed to...uh...hurt them. I've made mental notes about what weighs the most, what has pointy edges, and what could be used to slap, stab, poke, or make noise.

Don't even get me started about what I do when I get home late at night and the house is dark.

2:16 PM |

Yeah I know, diVa...I was already doing that before I saw your post. And don't call me beeotch.
1:46 PM |

God damn it.

I just wrote something really long in response to Andrea's Uber piece today...and I forgot that I was doing that when Zuba called so I logged out of editing MY blog so I could get into HER blog and help her out...stupid ex pothead me didn't copy/paste the damn thing I'd just spent 45 minutes writing...OH NO! So now I don't feel like redoing it again...maybe later.

Blasted Blogger should let me be logged into two blogs at once.

10:36 AM |

Good god.

I'm making Niagra Falls jealous over here this morning. Cry cry cry. Tears tears tears. Feh feh feh.

I just can't deal with people and with emotions any more. I really should run away to the mountains somewhere and just live in a little cabin by myself. I could live off the land and grow my own food since I don't eat meat anyways. Wait, my vegetable plants didn't do that well this year. I'd have to go to town and get plants from a nursery or something cause I can't start them from seed. But then I'd only have to deal with people in small doses and not on any sort of a personal basis. Thank you for my change, Mrs. Nursery Worker; I'll be going now.

I wonder if I could get DSL or a cable modem in a mountain shack.

9:10 AM |

As much as I bitch about it, I am glad that speakers aren't allowed on the work computers. The group behind me has them and I just have to say that IT IS ANNOYING AS FUCK to hear the new Charlie's Angels trailer this early in the god damn morning.
8:59 AM |

Sobbing is not a good way to start out a Thursday.
8:50 AM |

Wednesday, June 28

Zuba my Pokemon name is Mewnerd.
2:53 PM |

Andre has spoken. And the thing about it is...he's right.

I've only been doing this whole weblogging thing for seven weeks now but I've seen the complete cycle that he's talking about. Frankly, it sucks.

I got into this after I left my favorite far too frequented message board. I thought...Hmmm...this is interesting...I just get to talk about ME ME ME and sometimes people will come look?! And I can visit other people's sites that mostly have really cool designs and art and they sometimes even have cool things to say?!?! Kick ass!

I've since come to realize that no matter where you go, people are all the same. There's always a drama queen. There's always a smart ass. There's always an egomaniac (or six) and there's always a whiner.

People take things too seriously or not seriously enough. They fight, fuss, nitpick, bitch, and cry. They leave and come back and then leave again because they really didn't want to leave in the first place, they just wanted some attention. There are people that make you laugh but seem to offend everyone else and you wonder to yourself how anyone could not find this funny as hell as you know it was meant to make people laugh. There are always victims. There are always heros. There are always always always liars.

No matter where you go, people are all the same. The older I get, the more I realize just how true that statement is.

2:42 PM |

Zuba...Ted's from my home state...we haveTed Nugent Beef Jerkey for crying out loud. Haven't you seen his Behind the Music?
2:22 PM |

Zuba was taken a little aback when she found this site. I saw this site of hers before and it freaked me out a little bit...but I love what she said here...

"I guess he's [Ted Nugent] right -- I'm a feminist and am indeed fat and don't get it often enough. Then again, "it" isn't usually worth the trouble, particularly given the inverse ratio of trouble to size."

Goes for me too.

11:57 AM |

I'm starting to lose respect. I better stop looking.
11:40 AM |

Hello. My name is The Rock and I make Erica drool.

Zuba needs this.

I'm sorry but this is just scary. I know the WWF is all about the marketing...but there's a line one mustn't cross.

11:26 AM |

hey now miss's okay that he didn't mention me. I don't do this for public recognition. I spew what's on my mind is all.

But thanks for the compliment. MWAH.

11:05 AM |

10:53 AM |

i suppose if we consider the lilies, the rain will not seem so bad ...
10:45 AM |

What the hell is going on today? It seems like everyone is all serious and introspective and emotional. People are emailing me all sappy...I'm bein' all's weird. There must be a full moon tonight or something...
9:58 AM |

Zal has said things here that I've often thought. There is a difference, though...I'm not content. I'm not happy. I'm just medium. Everything in my life is MEDIUM. I'm mediocre. I hate that. I don't want to be bad, but I want to be good...REALLY GOD DAMN something. I used to be really god damn good at music...but I quit.

She is right, though, when she says that "happy lives make for bad art"...just ask K. She'll tell you that we came to that conclusion a long time ago.

9:33 AM |

It wasn't even about drama. It wasn't anyone's fault...yours or mine. It wasn't anything that either of us set out to do; it just happened. I gave up feeling shitty about it a while ago. I still don't know what to think of the whole situation either, truth be told. All I know is that you make me smile and laugh. Then there's a whole other level we won't get into right now...

You're also right that it ended shitty. I didn't know what else to say, though, and couldn't stand just sitting there prolonging my sting. I just had to go and so I did. I will admit that I cried...but I didn't cry because I was hurt so much as I cried because I knew I'd miss you. I knew all along the situation. It was always in front of me like a wall I couldn't look over or around...but there was a window so I could see you. If that even makes any sense and isn't too poetic and sappy. It's not about sappy, though. It's just about laughing.

8:56 AM |

I know you were stating your opinion...if you read my post again you'll see that I acknowledged that. Art is just such a personal usually rubs me the wrong way when people say they don't consider something 'art'. I guess it's sort of hypocritical of me, because I am such an advocate of the opinion. Art is just such a sensitive subject and one that is very close to me...I am a little bit over protective about it.

And for the record, too, I like you and your blog. It's all good.

Again, you're right. My site(s) have given me a great artistic it through writing, graphics, layout, colors, or poetry. I do it to feed that little demon inside of me that's wearing a beret and carrying a notepad and a paintbrush. I don't feed him enough and he tends to get restless.

8:43 AM |

Tuesday, June 27

Really cool Detroit band, Yes, the dot com is part of their band name. Download their cover of Madonna's Lucky Star. It's really good...on the funny tip.

Also in the Detroit vein...a local radio station is hosting a cheap imitation of Survivor. Ten people in a Winnibego for five days. They don't have anything except water, tuna from a can, and the clothes on their backs. this is the webcam. It's rather amusing. If I'd have known about it earlier (I don't listen to that radio station), I'd have won a spot so Andrea could start her Rocky-like Survivor training.

4:23 PM |

I miss you.

I swore to myself up and down that I wouldn't cave in and do it...miss you, that is...but I do.

I saw that you came back yesterday...yes I still check. I smiled. I smiled big.

I don't know what it is about you that makes me miss you, but you should bottle it and sell that'd be rich.

4:10 PM |

How much do I love this article?

So so so much. You can bet I'll be buying the author's book.

3:06 PM |

I love it when people let me get through my whole answer-the-phone thang and then hang up.
12:20 PM |


fantastic referral.

This is turning out to be "Stupid Referral of the Day".

11:04 AM |

I don't think there's anything quite as rude as cutting someone off mid-sentence so you can ask him/her the exact question they were about to answer for you because they've taken the same calls 1,000,000 times and everyone asks the same question so she has the foresight to answer the question you were about to ask before you cut her off.

I hate my job.

10:49 AM |

Zuba AND the coSmic diVa are both mentioned in this post. I love them both! They're both on too. My girls...those girls...
10:29 AM |

I agree completely.

If I have enough artistic sense and good taste to take an image that I find somewhere and change it (by using a few filters...ahem) and mold it to fit what my brain has invisioned...then in my book, it's art .

If I spit on the sidewalk and step on it, leaving a bit of dog shit from the bottom of my shoe and I think it looks pretty and I take a picture of it for's art. I think it's beautiful. I think it means something.

You have no right to tell people what IS art and what ISN'T art. State your opinion...fine. Tell people what you think...fine. DO YOUR OWN ART...FINE...but do not trivialize and demean other people and their perceptions of art and what is beautiful.

9:32 AM |

I was thinking...maybe I am mean. Maybe I'm trying to be more honest and open with my opinions and maybe that's hurting people. Ya know what?

I don't give a damn.

9:14 AM |

Monday, June 26

Apparently I'm not allowed to have an opinion.

I'm not allowed to state how I feel or what my perception of a situation happens to be.

I get scolded.

And called mean.

10:37 PM |

I'm so proud of you, Amy! <big smiles>
2:57 PM |

I'm ! It also said this:

You are:
58% slutty
which technically makes you a slut.
The worldwide average is only 45%.

Based on the 237,835 test takers so far:
you're sluttier than 78% of the world.
you're cleaner than 21% of the world.

It lies mom...HONEST!

2:29 PM |

close second: sour+cunt




2:09 PM |

And today's interesting referral award goes to....

the idiot that searched for "solid+boobs" on yahoo.

2:02 PM |

As if Walter's Mission wasn't enough, Will is asking for help too. Click there to help these boys get laid!
1:51 PM |

Something's wrong with me. Seriously seriously wrong.

I'm starting to not care about my hair.

It's been a while in coming, I think...but it really hit me last night when I got out of the shower. See, I didn't comb through my conditioner (I have been the Combing Conditioner Patron Saint up till recently), and I didn't care. I only applied some spray gel...not enough my hair after I got out and left it. I didn't blow dry. ME. Erica ... I didn't blow dry my hair. In fact, I'd like to come clean by saying that I haven't touched my blow drier in about two weeks.

I'm kind of sad but I also feel strangely liberated.

12:57 PM |

Why do people insist on treating me like I'm an idiot? And not just any kind of idiot either...a slobbering moronic doesn't have enough sense to tie her own shoes kind of idiot.
12:17 PM |

I just found this webring and my heart fluttered.
10:36 AM |

i refuse to claw and scratch
my way into your life
any longer
don't wanna be your back burner
only when i need her
call her as i feel the need

or was i ever?

thought you knew
what it was like to fight
how it feels to hurt
burns inside your lungs
near your heart
the prickly thorny vines
wrap and squeeze
poke poke
cut cut
i'm sick of letting it win
i refuse to let you in
because i am not the one
that said i missed you.

first i was hurt
then i was confused
then i was angry
then spiteful
now i just refuse

10:24 AM |

Alright...I'm about to be bitchy here...

I didn't say anything when she left the first time. I understood where she was coming from, I guess...having sort of been through it myself. A day later she came back and said things were going to be 'different' etc. etc. etc.

Give. me. a. break.

Now she leaves again? And all drama queen-like. She obviously had to look up those quotes somewhere...I doubt she knew them by heart. She couldn't just make a blank white page or even take the whole thing down all together and just make people get a 404? She had to be all melodramatic and quote Jack Kerouac and Winnie the Pooh, for crying out loud.

It's like when you were a kid...and the neighbor kid always pulled the "if you don't play by my rules I'm taking my ball and LEAVING"...when she didn't really want to leave...she just wanted you to say, "no no please don't go...we'll play by your rules...really we will..don't go!"

Take your ball, Yana. Go home. Pout.

8:52 AM |

I watched the New York Iron Chef last night and I have to say that I am rather disappointed. Bobbly Flay should have won...I think...because his dishes are a lot more creative and American than Morimoto's. Don't get me wrong, I really like Morimoto...I think he's my favorite Iron Chef...but the American tasters should have voted for Bobby Flay. 'Specially after Moromoto told the reporter that Bobby "is not a chef" because he stood on the cutting board after they were done. Bobby got up there and put his arms above his head...pure American style. Morimoto...if anyone from that show...should be a little bit more accustomed to American culture...he lives in New York for crying out loud. ALso, they should have taken into consideration that Bobby cut himself ten minutes into the short one hour they have to prepare all of the dishes they can. He also got SHOCKED every few minutes because they were using electric burners and someone spilled water on the floor. If you ask me, that should be automatic win because he gets 15 points for putting up with that and not quitting. I think the show should have been stopped right then and there after he got shocked. Safety first...HELLO JAPANESE PEOPLE?!

It's also funny how the commentators were talking about the crazy American crowd. They weren't any louder or more rowdy than one might least I didn't think so. The Japanese people were all like, "I can't hear you over the noise in here" and "This sure is different than at home" as if we're animals or something. There was more than one not so nice comment by the panel...never mind what the Iron Chef said to Mr. Flay.

Why am I waxing philisophical about the damn Iron Chef? Jeez.

In other news, I feel like my thighs are big enough to take over the world.

8:35 AM |

Sunday, June 25

It's damn hot.
People are fighting. Much yelling.
Want to play Monopoly but the thought of sitting down in one spot for that long is making me cringe.
Ate too many cheese noodles.
Feel like D hates me.
Did I mention hot?
I would drive around in my AC but gas is so expensive I can't afford to leave the drive way.
Zuba's depressed but it's her birthday and I want her to be happy.
Want to play Monopoly. Damn it.
Hot. So hot.

6:49 PM |

open links in new window?


random shot

deep thoughts






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