Friday, June 16

I completely agree with you on the talent tip. I guess I've just always considered talent to mean something that comes easy...writing comes easy to me cause damn it I've got a lot to say. I also agree with you about people finding their voices...if your words sound fake and have no heart, it doesn't matter what you're writing or how good your sentance is constructed. My grammar skills aren't perfect and neither is my spelling but damn it I convey what I'm thinking and feeling and I guess that's what matters.

Writing, to me, has always been so personal and intimate it was hard to share that part of myself with the world. My poems and words have always given me personal validation; I read what I feel and look at it differently. I guess it gives me a mirror put straight into my insides that I can look into like I'm looking at another person. I read and reread what I write and wonder why I chose that particular word and remember how I was feeling when I wrote it. I validate myself through words...maybe that's why I don't care about outside validation.

And thanks, Zippygirl, for the compliments...they really do mean a lot to me. Like I said, I do this for myself and if someone else is entertained too...then it's all the better. :)

5:36 PM |

Zuba honey I fixed your forgot a " in the A HREF tag. Quotes are your friend. Remember that. :) Should be all set now.

So I found out the reason I have to work this shitty shift today. My leadership (yes I corporate of me) planned a team outing for tonight to the Tigers baseball game. I have absolutely no interest in going to a god damn baseball matter if they got a suite or not. I don't care how much free food is going to be there the fact remains that it's a god damn baseball game, alright? So most of the other people are going except I have to cover this crap shift! How unfair. Then I called my supervisor on it and he says, "Haven't you ever heard of team work?" Fuck you very much. Asswipeface.

5:22 PM |

For those people that live in the Metro Detroit area: be prepared for rain very very soon. I just got my truck washed; that's a sure rain bringer.

Another chapter in the "only married men are attracted to me" book...

While I was waiting for the kids to wash my truck (I say kids because...well...they are) a rather attractive man, I'd say in his late 30s, is waiting for his car to be washed too. He walks to the waiting area and smmmmmmmmmiles at me and checks me out head to toe. I grin back. He sits down on the bench behind me. I'm standing. After about 10 minutes of waiting (they were doing the mega wash..inside and out) Mr. Man says, "Would you like to sit down?" I felt like I was in a cheesy bar. "No," I said, "I think I'm almost done here." "Which one's yours?" he asks. I point to my lovely truck and say, "The blue truck in the middle there." "Ooh...that's brand new isn't it?" I tell him yes, it's new. He asks how I like it and I tell him I love's the best thing I ever did for myself. I look at him closer. He's pretty attractive...oh! Nice wedding ring, dude. The conversation stops and I look around. I catch him out the corner of my eye staring at me. Mind you, I'm wearing pretty tight jeans today...but man! I'm wearing a stupid work teeshirt and running shoes. My hair is in a braid cause it's so humid out. My hair gets huge in the humidity. I start feeling uncomfortable and he tries several more times to talk to me. At this point, I'm just giving him short answers just so I'm not rude. I catch him several times checking me out. I can feel him checking me out. Finally after about 20 minutes of this, my truck is ready and I get in and take off.

They do such a wonderful job with my truck at that car wash. The kids are always so nice and really take the time to do it right. The one guy even took it back to the vaccuums because the original guys that did it first didn't do a good enough job. How often do you see that? I mean, that kid couldn't have been over 18 and he took the time and cared enough to take my truck over there and do it himself. The inside is completely Armor-All-ed. The windows are Windexed. The seats and carpet are vaccuumed. The outside is washed and waxed, and the undercarriage is clean. My truck looks fantastic all for the low low price of 19.95. Not bad, my friends, not bad at all.

The gas station, however, is another matter entirely. I paid 28 dollars and 26 cents to fill my tank. UHM HELLO? That's insane! Gas was 2.12 a gallon...and that's for the "cheap" gas at Speedway of all places...the Mobil was 2.26 a gallon. This has to stop...I can't afford to drive anywhere and we don't have a mass transit system to speak of. We need a damn subway or a train or a halfway decent bus system for crying out loud.

3:15 PM |

My mom sent this to me via's funny...I just hope this wasn't a game plan...

When I'm An Old Lady

When I'm an old lady, I'll live with my kids,
and make them so happy, just as they did.
I want to pay back all the joy they've provided,
returning each deed. Oh, they'll be so excited.
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

I'll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues,
and bounce on the furniture wearing my shoes.
I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.
I'll stuff all the toilets, and oh, how they'll shout.
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

When they're on the phone and just out of reach,
I'll get into things like sugar and bleach,
Oh, they'll snap their fingers and then shake their head,
and when that is done I'll hide under the bed
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

When they cook dinner and call me to meals,
I'll not eat my green beans or salads congealed.
I'll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table
and when they get angry, run fast as I'm able.
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

I'll sit close to the TV, thru the channels I'll click,
I'll cross both my eyes to see if they stick.
I'll take off my socks and throw one away,
And play in the mud until the end of the day.
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

And later in bed, I'll lay back and sigh,
and thank God in prayer and then close my eyes
and my kids will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
and say with a groan. "She's so sweet when she's sleeping."
When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

1:14 PM |

I just want to say that Zal rules. We've been talking on ICQ and she's wicked cool and so go visit her blog already! :)
12:03 PM |

Okay how weird is this?

My addiction to Pepsi is well documented. It's karma, I tell you...this is my rap name

Pepsi Mastah Ice

link via webwaste

11:53 AM |

I don't really have much to say this morning.

My boss' boss is in from Texas. The last time she was here we had to wear these lame-o sunglasses and hear the Mission: Impossible theme. The idea behind the meeting was"Mission: POSSIBLE!" I fucking lame is that? They were calling us Agent Smith and Agent White and Agent Lucas. They took our picture with these dorky sunglasses on and they kept saying, "Don't smile!" as if any of us was happy to be wearing those dumb glasses. They gave us manilla envelopes with our "team play book" inside...but on the envelope was stamped "CONFIDENTIAL". This, my friends, is my life...corporate propaganda filled life.

We'll see what Mrs. Mission Possible has in store for us today.

11:09 AM |

Thursday, June 15

Laura! Good to hear that you're still alive, girl. :)
4:22 PM |

Alright it's no secret that I work for THE MAN. I also hate it. We have monthly 'team' newsletters (blargh) that are supposed to bring us together and help us get to know each other and some other shit like that there. Whatever...moving on..

This woman that's on the newsletter commitee sends out a mass email asking for submissions to this lame-ass thing. I kinda laugh to myself and delete it. Some other people start talking about it and the woman that sent the email comes over to me and says, "Hey're rather crafty right?" I say, "Yeah I guess so...I do alright." She says, "Well why don't you write a HOW TO ARTICLE for the next newsletter?! That'd be SO GREAT if you'd do that..really it would. I mean, I see those picture frames [you made] on your desk and they're great so just write something up...something small...maybe include some craft websites or something! That's so great! THANKS!"

Me: [in my head] FUCK THAT I'm not writing no stupid douchebag article for the stupid douchebag newsletter. i work here and that's GOD DAMN ENOUGH. [from my mouth] Uhhhhhhh...uh...Sure Debbie no problem. I've got a few simple projects I can write about.

4:05 PM |

I'm already thinking redesign. Is that bad? Sigh.
3:44 PM |

Best line-from-a-bio of the week goes to:

Burnt Orange for this line:

"what else? i've been in a long-term, monogamous relationship with (my greatest admirer) myself since 1997. occasionally i cheat on myself, but eventually i always come back, and usually with flowers and/or chocolate."

3:15 PM |

I've never even considered myself (even remotely) a talented writer. Hell, I've never even considered myself a like that. Words come from me because they are truely how I feel or think. I've never been published. I don't think I ever want to be. True, some people have told me that I can write perty dern good (heh). I just tell them I write (or type, as the case may be) the same thing I'd say if I was having a conversation...with myself or another person. True, somewhere in the back of my mind I'd like to think that I have some sort of talent and that other people like to read what I've got to say...and even find it entertaining in some way, but I write to better feel my soul and that's that.
2:46 PM |

Argh. I always make things so much more complex than they need to be. I need to remember to keep things simple.
10:47 AM |

I finally made an appointment for Willow to get fixed. Wahoo. He's been such a bad boy lately...he really needs it. Apparently the vets in this state aren't allowed to fix babies until they're at least 6 months old. How strange is that? But he's allllmost a year old now and it's time. I didn't know how I felt about it for a while and have been debating...but he's been so bad and miserable lately I know it's the right thing to do. Maybe they can show me how to clip his nails too since I always have such a hard time doing it cause he's so damn big. He is just a BIG BOY. The vet assistant said, "Well, the more the cat weighs the more the procedure costs," if they charge by the pound or something. I informed her that he is prolly the biggest cat and asked what the max charge would be. heh. My boy rules. He really does. His fur is so poofy and long and soft...I love it. I know that once he gets fixed he'll act so much better (less aggressive)!
9:59 AM |

Damn. Zuba's gettin linky love from all over da place! Woohoo for her!

I have one question: why must people insist on annoying me? Either I am really overly sensitive or people can just sense that I am annoyed so they insist on annoying me even more. Either way, people bother me. They bug me when they smile fake smiles at me and ask if I'm feeling better. I know as well as they do that they don't care. I hate it when people are fake like if I can't tell.

Oh, and I have to work 11-8 tomorrow. FEH.

9:45 AM |

Wow...I only blogged once yesterday. I think that's the first time since I put this here site up that I've done that. I feel a lot better than I did yesterday and the day before. Finally. My head is still killing me and I'm a little bit queasy...but that's better than I was. C'mon migraine took you twenty minutes ago already.

Today's my two year anniversary with my company. The madness began two years ago today. It's so strange to think...two damn years of my life wasted here. I guess it hasn't been totally wasted...they supposedly pay me...from what they say. There's no proof of that though, so I don't know if I believe them. DOWN WITH THE MAN. thbbbbbbbt.

I know this is shallow of me but I don't care right now...MY HAIR IS FREAKING OUT IN THIS WEATHER! It's so bloody humid here my hair is all frizzy and poofy and cruddy. Yuck. On the upside, though, I look pretty hot today thanks to my sparkle pants. I love these damn pants. I got them for two dollars a few months ago but I would have paid a lot more cause these pants rule. Who wouldn't love black bell bottoms with tiny bits of silver in them? I know I love them. Meow.

I applied for the blogs with content (1%) webring today. I doubt I'll get in, but I decided to try anyway. I do, occasionally, put up links to sites that I find funny or amusing in some way...but if you ask me that just gives my reader (yes I know I left that singular) more of an insight into my brain and my personality. Laughing is so important and I'm not always that damn amusing. Sometimes I need help.

8:34 AM |

Wednesday, June 14

I've been laying on the couch all day. I feel like such crap. My head hurts. My stomach hurts. I'm tired. I just feel so blech. =(
4:11 PM |

Tuesday, June 13

So I was only at work today for like two and a half hours because I lost my cookies while I was there. No good. On my way home,I stopped to get an oil change and waited there for about ten minutes then the guy came over and told me that their computers had just crashed so they couldn't change my oil. Uhm. Okay dude. Turn away business; that's fine with me I guess.

Went to Frank's (garden and craft place) directly after that (in the same plaza) and bought 12 terra cotta pots and bases. I replanted all of the herb plants into the little cute pots. I should have planned it better. I could have painted cutesie stuff on the pots but oh well. I'm actually realllly surprised that they fit on the table near the doorwall. I thought for sure I'd have to figure something out and put another table there or something but they fit PERFECTLY. I can't believe it. It's like they were meant to go there :) Now I feel all shaky and shitty and hot...but I had to replant those little buggers ASAP. They just weren't happy in those tiny little pots.

I got some Vernor's so hopefully that and dry toast will make my tummy feel better. Maybe I should lay down for a while. Ugh.

3:34 PM |

I am sick sick sick. This is a crazy kinda sick. It goes comes goes comes back...I dunno if it's the fact that I haven't eaten much in the past few days or if it's from the medicine or a combination of both....but damn I feel nauseated. Ugh.

At least I got paid today. That means I can go grocery shopping tonight and buy laundry soap and pay my phone bill and take Willow to the vet. Paydays. They're a good thing.

1:25 PM |

I cried until I fell asleep last night. I didn't cry because of what was said, though. I cried more because of what wasn't said...and what could have been said. I cried because I'll miss you and I cried because I already don't. I cried because it hurt. I cried because I feel better. I just plain ol' cried. I feel better today though. My head's much more clear. My eyes have refocused in more ways than one.

I said those things so you would read them and know. I said them because I'm too weak to bring it up on my own. I'm glad now, that it's done and over with. The shard of glass is out of my foot. It hurt on the way out, but it's not so bad now.

12:04 PM |

Monday, June 12

Okay...Mr. Butrin is NOT getting along with my stomach right a matter of fact, I think they are fighting to see who's king of my jungle or something. Whatever it is I feel like I'm about to toss cookies. Feh.

I did, however, have 40 minutes on the way home to think. That's one good thing traffic is for, guess...thinking. I thought about a lot of things that have been bothering me and frankly, I had quite an epiphany. Check it...

It's no secret that I always complain that the only men that are attracted to me (or so it seems) are the taken ones. I am not referring to one particular man either...I'm referring to more than I can count on my fingers. They flirt, say lovely things, flirt some more...and then try and get into bed with me. I've always thought that it was their fault somehow...but today I've realized differently. See, it's always easy to blame outside sources for your pain and stress...but it's really really hard to admit (even to yourself) that *you* are the root of the problem. I am. Me. Erica. Not those men. That was really hard for me to admit and even harder for me to type just now but I take responsibility for this. Let me explain...

I realize now that the men only act towards me the way I allow them to act. Meaning...they flirt...I like it...even flirt back...and somehow that invites more. It tells them that it's okay with me and that I am okay with that sort of behavior...even if, deep down, I'm not. It's selfish on my part...and theirs, too...and weak. I know that now. Maybe I do this because I don't want to find someone that's single...because that just gives the possibility for me to be treated well and I don't think I deserve that deeeeeeeep down. Maybe I do this so I won't get hurt again...even though it does hurt...but it doesn't hurt as badly as when The Ex hurt me. Paper cuts don't hurt as bad when you've gotten stabbed.

(Note to you know who you are cause I know you're reading's not just you...don't take it that way.)

6:13 PM |

I love it when the system goes down and everyone starts running around like crazy ants on speed and they run around and tell everyone else, "the system is down! the system is down!" as if we couldn't tell our own god damn selves. They run around and say, "make paper tickets" and "it's the router" and "we have no ETA yet". Uhm okay. Thanks for telling us. Then the next person comes down the hall and says the exact same things. They all do that business professional walk..sort of half running and half if the world is going to end if we have to take paper tickets.

I gotta remind myself: i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job.

1:29 PM |

Two things from my girl Zuba...

Holy Pot Head Wandering Thoughts, Batman!

SPAMBURGER?! The best part of this is that they suggest Miracle Whip if SPAM is a fucking health food.

1:17 PM |

I love this. Plain and simple. I love it.

I guess the reason I love it is because I do the same thing several times a summer with roomie kids. Not exactly the same thing, of course...but similar. I won't write about it now cause dink already did, but just know that she's right. She's right about everything she says about playing in the mud. I highly recommend it. makes your feet soft.

1:04 PM |

I don't think I have anything even remotely interesting or amusing to say today. Maybe I'll think of something later. Or maybe a big giant armadillo will come crashing down from the sky and land in the bed of my truck and pull out his Super KickAss Hyperdrive Laser Gun and shoot all of the people that get in my way during rush hour. He won't kill them though, he'll just shoot out their tires and make them mad. I don't think I want anyone dead because of me. I think he will talk to me through telekenesis (or how ever you spell that) and teach me how to speak Japanese and how to spell telekenesis and how to really get red wine stains out of carpet and tell me how many licks it really takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop...cause he knows. He'll be my new super hero buddy. I think I will call him Afos (Armadillo From Outer Space)...'Fos for short. Yeah.

So if that happens I'll be sure to let you know. Otherwise, plan on me being pretty dern quiet today.

11:12 AM |

hehehe okay i might be immature for finding this hilarious but I really do not care.

I'm thinking about registering my own domain, so I'm at checking out the domains. Hmm, I are, of course, already taken. What else could I ever possibly pick? How about WHOA! It's not taken! And of course gives me some variations on the ericagirl they are...heeeheee...

huh huh huh she said easy. ahuhhuhhuh

8:33 AM |

Sunday, June 11

I stayed up until about much for a semi normal schedule of getting to sleep.

I watched the movie Selena for about the 20th time...not kidding or exaggerating at all. Her music isn't exactly my normal kind of music...but whenever the movie is on I always end up watching it...and crying. It's just so tragic and sad. She and her husband seemed like they were so deeply in love and her career was just starting to hit the major big time and she got shot. So so so sad.

After that I watched Antiques Roadshow and wondered, yet again, why that crap doesn't happen to me. Why don't I find a box of stuff on the side of the road that's worth a lot of money? Honestly, if I'd seen that shit on the side of the road I wouldn't have even looked twice at it...but this man with crazy dreads picked it up...lucky bastard. The stuff's worth 30k. 30 THOUSAND DOLLARS...just sitting there waiting to be thrown in the trash. Mr. Dread Man garbage picked it. It was apparently some sort of really important part of the American automobile history or something. looked like trash to me.

Then I watched Howard Stern's Private Parts for about the 5th time. I like that movie. It makes me laugh. My goodness I love cable.

I talked on AIM for a while. Someone told me that she comes to my page and I just about fell out of my chair. I smiled big, though.

I laid on the couch with the fan blowing right at me...of course it was on high. I started falling asleep and thought, "I should get in the bed but I don't want to cause it seems sooooo far away and I'm so comfy and..." and then I realized that I don't have to if I don't want to damn it. I'm an adult and I can sleep on my couch if I damn well that's just what I did. I even left the TV on. HA.

4:24 PM |'s 2am...what to make what to make...ah! Easy quick and semi tasty Lipton's broccoli and cheddar rice. One pot. Only requires butter and water to make. Kickass.

Walk upstairs. Turn on light in every room as you pass through so no creepy things creep me out. Commence cooking of rice. Mmm mmm rice. Kickass.

Stand by stove top as water is boiling. All of the windows are open. All meaning all FIVE windows. Five large slider windows. Oooh good cross breeze. Feels good after the hot day. Kickass.

Wow water takes a long time to boil. C'mon water...boil boil boil..."a watched pot never boils"...look around the room la la dee dah la la la...water boils. Kickass.

Stir stir stir the rice. Don't burn the rice like no...okay...ten minutes. This rice must boil ten minutes. Ten minutes isn't that long! Kickass.

Hmm. Ten minutes feels awfully long right now. Sigh. Whoa hair is flying from the crossbreeze. Feel like the girl from The Craft. Giggle. Wow those bubbles in the yellow-orange rice water are cool. Bubbles come to the top and pop and another bubble comes up in its place. Hmm...I wonder why this happens...oh yeah. I learned it in science class in junior high but I must have forgotten. But at least I know how to drive how. Kickass.

Stir stir stir the rice...ahhhh it's done. Scrape it out of the pot and into the bowl. Smells good. Yummy. Tummy will stop rumbling. Kickass.

Oooh bad. Rice stuck to the bottom. Bad bad bad.

2:20 AM |

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

the perfect Saturday evening entertainment. Ahh.

How interesting that it happens to be about cheating husbands and wives and oh...of course lesbian lovers. They always gotta fill the last slot with lesbians.

I'm hungry right now. I think I'll make some dinner...if it still can be called dinner at 1:30am.

1:22 AM |

open links in new window?


random shot

deep thoughts






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