Saturday, June 10

Alright kids...I can't believe this's kind of sickly beautiful in its own way. I looked at every single picture.

The Fabulous Ruins of Detroit

link via weblog wannabe

9:15 PM |

I'm glad you didn't back down, girl.

Consider it dropped.

8:22 PM |

Why do I do things that I know will just end up being bad decisions? I'd really really like to know so if someone can explain it to me, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'd even give you a dollar. Thanks.
7:57 PM |

Did I mention headache?
6:15 PM |


6:11 PM |

I woke up at 9:20 cause I was sweating and the dawn's early light was poking me in the eye. It's only 10am and I'm already hot. Damn it. It's supposed to get up to 90 today or some kinda crazy shit like that. What the....? It was like 40 last week and now it's gonna be 90. Michigan is manic depressive or something when it comes to the weather.

I had Cookie Crisp for breakfast. I never ever had Cookie Crisp before. I was rather unimpressed and saddened that the Cookie Crisp wasn't bow wow zamma mamma good. It was...okay. It's one of those cereals that we were never allowed to have as a kid cause it is a "sugar cereal". Moms was lookin' out for our health which is way cool and I totally appreciate that now, but as a kid that kinda crap can be really disheartening. We had all natural peanut butter that seperated when it' was in the cupboard, so you had to stir it before you used it. We didn't have Jif OR Skippy, even though Annette was telling us we needed to have it. Mom always bought white American cheese and it didn't have that individual cello wrap either. I felt uncool having it on my sandwich at lunch time. We had all natural soda which included a clear orange-flavored soda. It tasted pretty good but it wasn't bright neon killing-yourself-with-chemicals orange. Wheat germ? Ewww mom why do you have to put that in everything? Ewwwwwww! No one else's mom does that. Home made grape juice made from the grapes on the back fence just isn't as cool as popping open a jar of Welch's. "Why do you have to get that wax out of the top of your jelly?" kids would ask. "My mom makes it herself," I'd say. Wow did I ever feel lame for having to struggle with the wax in the top of the home made jam so it could go on the bread next to the peanut butter I had to stir.

Now, as an adult, I completely appreciate and respect what mom was trying to us good eating habits and help us grow up strong and healthy. I am currently looking for a food co-op to join so I can buy some of the stuff mom used to get for us when we were kids. I miss having a vegetable garden too. I have no idea how she ever had the time or the energy to make grape juice or jam or applesauce. She did it out of love, I guess...the love for her children...and what in the world is cooler than that? Nothing.

10:11 AM |

Awake awake awake.

I dunno if it's just cause I'm happy about my design or if it's all the Pepsi I've had or the medicine or what...but I should be asleep by now. I've been up since 6am, damn it. Sleep sleep sleep where art thou?

Change is good, right? I'm getting all self-conscious and weird now that I'm reeeally looking at the new design. Change is good. Change is good. Change is good.

That's about it. Oh. Frank is a doodie head cause he didn't give me any Cheez Its.

2:10 AM |

Alright...everything should be working now...*crossing fingers* I hope it is, at least, cause I've spent that last...oh...7 or so hours coding this damn thing non-stop. I can't help it...I just get in a zone and GO.

So, whatcha think? Let me know!

1:10 AM |

Friday, June 9

Pardon me if things are messed up for the next little bit here...but it'll be worth it, I promise!
10:23 PM |

Note to all Metro Detroit men:

Just because I drive a truck and have a sticker on the bumper that says "REAL WOMEN DRIVE TRUCKS" does not mean that I will date you. It also does not mean I will pull over to the side of the road when you ask. It also does not mean that because you pull your shirt up over your face and shake your skinny body at me that I will lift my shirt too. It does not mean I will marry you if you yell the proposal out the window.

While we're on the subject, if you have a NASCAR RACING sticker in your back window don't bother. Mullet heads need not apply. If you've ever even thought about putting a Calvin peeing on *anything* sticker on your car/truck/bike/scooter/wagon/roller skates I am not interested. Wardrobe consist entirely of cammo? *beep* Try again.

I'm not that picky, really. Breathe. Have a job. Have your own mode of transportation. All your teeth in your mouth would be nice, too. It doesn't hurt if they're straight and white either. Shoes? Have more than two pair. At least try to keep your nails clean. Cook. If you don't know how to cook...learn. Do your own laundry. Make me laugh. Tell me I'm beautiful. Appreciate my wit and brains. Don't be intimidated by my disregard for the norm.

That's pretty much it, really. It'd help if we had some of the same interests but that is not necessary if you are as open as I am.

3:31 PM |

I posted that last entry and then remembered that I had a secret "only in extreme emergencies" extra 20 bucks. Woohoo for planning ahead. So I bought myself a 2dollarand54cent salad (village salad from a coney island...not the evil has cukes, tomato, feta, olives,'s like a greek salad sans lettuce) which I just consumed. I still have $ left for gas and maybe even a pack of smokes. Yow. It's sad when I feel that 20 bucks makes me rich. Then again maybe it's not because it's reassurance that I'm low maintenance.

As I was driving to get my salad, I was thinking about my entry this morning regarding why I'm "the buddy". I thought of s'more things.

-I know the difference between phillip's head and flat head screw drivers. I also know what a wrench does, and how to use a hand saw and needle nose pliers.
-I know the basic workings of a car...what the transmission does and what the alternator does etc. If I chose to, I could change my oil by myself.
-I understand and appreciate the complexities of duct tape and swiss army knives.
-I know what anime is and dig the hell out of it...'specially Sailor Moon (my fave) and Vampire Hunter D.
-I know words to Led Zepplin songs.

1:46 PM |

I'm such a loser. I don't get paid until the middle of next week and guess what...? You got it. I'm out of money. Completely. I had to spend the last bit of money I had on my 'script yesterday. I am glad, though, that I have good insurance because without it my drugs would cost 90 dollars a month! Whoa. That is insane. And, of course, there are no generics.

So I'm sitting here obsessing over the fact that I have no money and under 1/2 a tank of gas. I'm wondering how I'm going to get to work next week to get this check of mine and how I'm going to get to the bank to cash said check. This sucks, I think. Feh. Almost a whole week left and I have no cash-ola. At least my bills are paid.

12:13 PM |

I just wanted to whole-heartedly thank Zal for being oh so kind and oh so generous and linking me on her page. Thanks so much hon!
10:11 AM |

Wrestling was funny last night. The Rock kicked everyone's ass, including the Undertaker and Kane. I know it's fake. I know it's silly and white trashy and just plain ol' brain candy. But that's what's fun about it. I came in to work this morning and the guy in the cube next to me and I discussed last night's detail...including a full-out full-body replay (performed by him...not me). The other guys (I work with mostly guys; can ya tell?) were all surprised and laughing at the fact that I watch...and actually ENJOY...wrestling. I also enjoy movies like Highlander. I like to play (some) RPGs. I drive a truck. I laugh at toilet humor. I actually understand the whole comic book thing. I can keep up with most people when doing shots at the bar. I understand how guys think. I understand that most of the stuff that's important to me is 'fluff' and guys don't understand the fluff, therefore they don't understand women. I am pretty damn good at interpreting manspeak to English. I've been told I'm fun and funny. And sometimes even cute.

If I'm so damn cool and fun, why don't I have men pounding down my door?

I think I've figured it out. Finally.

Of course there's the whole 'fat' thing. Whatever. We're getting older and that stuff isn't *as* important as it once was. Granted, there will always be those that find it revolting but whatever. Fine. But that's only part of it.

The other part is that I'm too much like one of the guys. They don't look at me the same as they look at girly-girls. I'm the "hey let's go to the bar and slam a few and laugh at each other and i'll elbow you and then take some random girl home with me" friend. I'm not the "hey i never realized how cute and funny and witty and smart she is" friend. I'm the buddy. The pal. And let me tell you this...I hate it.

9:45 AM |

Maybe it is prudent, but damn. She is just a kid. Encourage her and help her rather than attacking full force, claws extended.
8:12 AM |

Thursday, June 8

Okay god damn it. I'm trying to put up a webcam so you all can view lil ol me when ever you want...well whenever I want cause I will turn the damn thing off but whatever...and I can't get it to work right. I can't seem to get the picture to upload more frequently than every 3 minutes. It was working, then I changed the size and it's not working. ARGH! Someone please help me!
10:36 PM |

I just filled my perscription for da 'butrin. Karen B had given me a sample to make sure it didn't make me all dizzy and weird. People at work are commenting on how "chipper" I am. My roomie said, "Yeah you have more energy". I know it doesn't take effect fully for two weeks but damn do I feel better. I feel like I've got hold of the steering wheel again and have complete control. Ahh...such a feeling.

Delia emailed me last night. I'm such a dork. I made her feel bad without meaning to and now I feel even worse. UGH! Such a god damn circle.

My herb order from Richter's came yesterday. I opened the box and the most wonnnnderful smell wafted out. Mmm. I got my patchouli plant, but they were out of catnip and something else that I ordered. No big deal. So I unpack them from their nifty neato box container "no crunch" shipping apparatus and lo and behold they're in little greenhouse pots. Of course they're in greenhouse pots, Erica...they're from a frickin greenhouse. I shake my head and read through the pamphlet they included in the box. blah blah keep moist blah blah sunny window blah blah replant upon arrival. Uh oh. Problem #1. No pots. No money for said pots. No money until Monday or Tuesday of next week at the earliest. Crap. I hope they don't die, I think. I give them all a little drink of water and straighten them up and set them up next to the sunny window and call it a night.

Today on the internet I found a little tidbit of info...I can keep the little greenhouse plants in a tray that's got pebbles in the bottom. Cover the pebbles with water and herb holder thingee. Yay. My plants won't die if I do this. They'll have a nice little happy home until mommy can buy them little individual pots. Right? Right.

I go outside and look in the the the frickin yard...everywhere. No god damn pebbles to be found other than about 4 rocks that were too large to be considered pebbles and I think they were really just broken up concrete anyway. Fuck, I think, I'm going to have MORE DEAD PLANTS. Ugh. I can't do this. These plants will survive. Argh. Think think think, Erica...pebbles. Pebbles...where to get....AH HA! The park that's in the school admin building's yard that's behind the house. There's got to be some pebbles. I ask Dani. She says, "Yeah the whole park has LOTS of's all rocks". Cool. I take my little tray and truck my booty back there.

YES! A rock pond...exactly what I need. Thank you, City Council or school superintendant or whoever decided to do this! I have pebbles! What the...? I look over and (this is the whole point of this long drawn out boring story) see two kids, about 6 or 8, hiding underneath the merry go round. Underneath it. The whole god damn thing is filled with little pebbles that hurt your feet if you step on them without shoes and these two smart guys are hiding under the merry go round with their little dirty faces smooshed up against rocks and their little scabby elbows smooshed up against rocks and their knobby knees smooshed up against rocks. What the fuck? I just got my pebbles and left, but I'm still shaking my head.

8:54 PM |

I'm feeling all long winded and introspective today. Watch out! There she blows!

I was just reading Ben "I don't need another link" Brown's website...his old stuff...the story about some crazy Internet chic that completely lied to him and turned her stories around and just basically fucked with his head. I'm here to tell ya, kiddies...he's not alone. My story is not exactly the same, but it adds a totally different twist on the internet romance thing. I'll tell you the short version.

So I meet this guy. We go out. I fall for him...hard. Too damn hard. We move in together. He is from DEEtroit...ghetto area...I am from white bread suburbia. Mom asked me how we ever get along...I told her she didn't understand. That isn't the interesting part; that's just the background.

He'd never touched a computer until he met me. I showed him how to use ICQ, IRC, CUSeeMe...all the fun chat things. He used my room mate's computer, mostly when I wasn't home. I didn't mind cause he was getting into something I was into and it might just help him someday get a job...which, by the way, he never had...or spark an interest in computers that might get him a job. Whatever. He was chatting.

He started getting distant (heh, I say that like he was ever really *close*) and I tried to get him to tell my why. I didn't understand. I thought I was happy and going to marry this guy and here he was getting all weird and pushing me away. I couldn't get him to talk.

I called Kelly and we were talking and she said, "Erica maybe he is talking to someone online". "No no," I said, "he isn't talking to anyone. He doesn't even go online that much any more." "Oh yes he does." she said. "I see him online every day." This got me thinking. I thought about it for a total of one minute and thirty seconds and then quickly dismissed it. He wouldn't do that to me. He loved me. He wanted to marry me. I would know if he was doing something right under my nose! Ha.

This guy tells me (a couple of weeks later) that he got a job! But it's across the state in a town about three hours away. Aww, sad sad Erica. He won't leave me. No. Never.

Boy goes to his mom's house for a visit and leaves his pager on my dresser. It goes off. I look at the pager (that I was paying for, mind you) and it's a 616 area code number. Hmm, that's odd. His new job is in the 616 area code! He's not going to be back until late tonight, so I better call the number for him and tell them that he will call them back tomorrow. I call the number. A woman answers. This is the conversation as I remember it:

woman: Hello?
me: Hi, this is *boy's name*'s girlfriend. His pager just went off. Is this about the job?
woman: uhm, no, this isn't.
me: who are you?
woman: i am *woman's name*. i don't know who you are or how you got my number but you best not call here any more.
me: Uhm is there something I should know?
woman: Look, if *boy* wanted you to know about me, he would have told you. Don't call here again or I'll call the police.
*she hangs up*

Whoa. My head is reeling. Oh good god. He's moving out there to be with this woman. But who is she? How does he know her? Oh god he's just a liar! I am so stupid! How did I not see this?! So I call her back.

woman: Hello?!
me: look, woman to woman, just tell me if there's something going on. if you were in my shoes wouldn't you want to know? don't you think i have a right to know?
woman: look, bitch, don't call here no more. I told you once. my dad has powerful lawyers so you will be IN JAIL.

Fuck. Okay that didn't work. I pace. I pace for three hours. I cry my eyes out. I wonder who she is. Even if it's true...that he's lied to me...he's not going to come clean once he does get back, right? He'll just lie some more. And that's exactly what he did.

He comes home about 5 hours later and I flip out at him the second he walks in the door. What? Why? Who? When? Where? I tell him to get the fuck out and take his stuff. He calmly explains to me that he met her on the internet and that "it's not like that". I wanted so much to believe him. I didn't want this crap to be true. So I believed him. I took him for his story and believed him. I even fucking apologized.

We go out to dinner three days before he is scheduled to leave. The boy tells me that he loves me, wants to make me his wife, and says he'll be back for me in six months. He's leaving Wednesday, he says, and he'll call me as soon as he gets there.

He makes up an elaborate web of lies telling me that he found the job on I look on No companies listed under that name. Hmm. That's odd. He tells me that the person that runs the business has a little apartment building that he uses for people that are in training. It doesn't sit right, but that's okay, I think. Stranger things have happened in this big big world. Little did I know the best was yet to come.

He gets ready to leave. I pack him up myself. I help him get stuff together. I put some groceries into a bag so he'll have some food when he gets there. "You like this juice, hon, take it with you." We somehow end up getting into a fight; he tells me it's over. He doesn't trust me because I doubted him (!) about the woman and the pager. I doubted him, so that must mean I have a guilty conscience. I beg him to believe that I'm not the one cheating. No no no I wouldn't do that. I love you. Blah fucking blah. He is still sticking to his story, though, and I have to give him credit for that. Not once did he tell me the truth. A for effort, asshole.

He leaves. I cry. I cried for three days straight. I ponder. I dissect everything he's ever said to me...every time he was late or didn't call. I still believe him. He'll call me eventually. He will. He loves me. It just kills me to even admit that I thought that bullcrap.

I called the number two days after he left (I'd had the sense to write it it gut instinct) and guess who answered her phone? You got it. Him. The Asshole Mega. I kept calling back and she'd answer and threaten me and I'd just call back. I deserved an answer. I needed an answer. I never got one.

I ended up hearing the real story, though. He did meet her from the internet...ICUii, to be exact. They'd never met in person when he left me to go move into her trailer with her and her two kids. Last I heard she has him on a really short leash and she has a bad taste in dresses. I also heard they got married. Good for them. They deserve each other, believe me. I saw pictures.

3:37 PM |

I swear...people are so god damn rude I can't believe it.

I just helped this woman for five minutes...she didn't have ANY information...I got her the ticket number, the waybill number, told her WHEN, WHERE, HOW it was delivered/shipped...then I was telling her it was signed for by Frank. I don't know if that's the first name or last name, prolly the last name, but I didn't tell her that. She says, "Well that doesn't help me AT ALL. I have two people first name Frank one last name Frank...thanks for not helping" and HUNG UP in the middle of me saying, "I would try checking with the person with the last name of Frank". Bitch.

11:01 AM |

OKay okay...part III to this story...

Apparently four hours before 'the incident' Eminem and his wife were at Mickey Shorr (a local car stereo chain). They left the building and the employees heard a scuffle outside. They went out and saw Eminem holding a gun (pulled from his ANKLE holster...HAHA) to an ICP "associate's" head. Mrs. Mathers and the ICP dude's wife also went at it...yelling and fighting. There was apparently quite a commotion. The city wasn't going to prosecute him or anything until they heard that Macomb County is gonna nail of course now Oakland County (where the Mickey Shorr incident happened) is thinking about getting him too.

I'm sorry, but I am just CRACKING UP about this whole thing. The Eminem Posse vs. the ICP posse...tonight on White Trash Scuffle!

The only part missing was that Kid Rock didn't roll up in his limo and offer them all a doob.

Detroit: the white trash rapper breeding ground.

9:51 AM |

And here's the letter Eminem's wife wrote to the local paper. Uhm, honey...just a time get someone else to write the letter for you. Preferably someone with some English skills. I think Mrs. Mathers should be Zuba's White Trash Queen of the Week.
9:34 AM |

Why did I not hear about this?! WARREN? This happened in freakin' WARREN?!?! That is pretty much my city! I live *right there*. I knew that Eminem lived pretty near me...less than 10 miles...but I didn't know this even happened. And I can't believe stupid Macomb County granted that violent dude a CCW permit. HELLO?! Have you heard his music, like, EVER?
9:23 AM |

It's 8am and I've already been up for two hours. Whoa. I can't remember the last time this happened bar yesterday. I think it was high years ago.

I was driving here this morning and I took Maple Road to try and avoid traffic. I stopped at a red light directly in front of the violin shop where I used to get my violin fixed. I sighed and looked at the screen door and remembered how it smelled in there...always like cherry cigars and lemon oil and wood stain. My violin always smelled like that place for a good two weeks after I brought it home. Of course, the violin is held under your chin when you play, so the smell always wafted up to my nose and tickled it as I practiced. I love that smell.

The smell made me think of playing which made me miss it. I miss playing. I miss being in front of an audience and putting my heart and soul into the music I'm playing. I even miss tuning my strings...A, D, G...then E. I remember looking at a piece of music and wondering how I was ever going to play all of those notes in front of anyone and have them sound like something halfway decent. I'd pour myself over the details, trying to play the piece as it was intended. I'd get upset, throw my bow, put my violin on my chair and walk, walk, walk. Frustration was the word I think of when I think of practicing. I wasn't the best at the violin, but I sure did try. I loved it. I loved feeling like I was a part of something noble and important in some way...important for the culture and important for the music's sake.

The French Horn, however, was another matter entirely. I didn't start playing it until I was in 9th grade. The spring of that school year I went to a solo competition and got the highest mark possible on a solo. The instrument and I were made for each other. No one ever had to tell me how to put my lips (until later when I was perfecting my craft); no one ever had to tell me how to tune it. I picked it up and pretty much started playing...instantly. Tenth grade (my first year of high school) the senior horn player wrote something in my yearbook along the lines of, "Good luck with your horn playing. You're better than I will ever be." I was shocked. I really looked up to her and her playing and did not think that I was anywhere near her horn playing ability.

I graduated high school still concentrating on and loving my horn playing. I got accepted into Central Michigan University's music education program the first time I auditioned. I was in the marching band (which is another story all together) and first chair in one of the concert bands. I threw myself into playing and learning all I could about playing the horn. I learned techniques, famous horn players names and what made them so famous, the composers that wrote the best music for horn, different ways to put my lips on the mouthpiece, different fingerings, and even a new clef. Then the year was over.

I was kicked out. And that, too, is another story entirely.

I didn't play again. I didn't care about playing again. Every time I even so much as looked at my horn I got teary...I still do. I felt guilty for throwing away talent (yes, I knew I had it) and all that time I'd spent practicing and all that money my parents had spent, but I just could not do it any more. The music was no longer in my soul. Elvis had left the building.

I still miss playing music. I yearn for that feeling of belonging to a group and the accomplishment we all felt when we finally got it right. I wonder if I will ever again feel what it's like to play for an audience. The sad fact is, I probably never will. It will only be in my head and never again in my skin. The hunger will never subside even though the music has.

8:42 AM |

Wednesday, June 7

What's that you say? You say my job doesn't sound all that bad? Well here's another lovely eXample that just happened:

me: The website is xww...
customer: AXEww? what the...?
me: no no sir it's Xww.
customer: AXE? why would i type AXE?
me: NO. Sir, it's X like the letter X..
customer: like axe?
me: Sir it's the letter X as in xyz...
customer: OH! the letter X *insert great big 30 second long belly laugh here* You poor girl! You poor thing! No one's ever taught you how to speak!
me: Uhm, I can speak just fine, thank you.
customer: I suppose we're all products of our environment. You poor girl. Where are you from?
me: Michigan.
customer: No wonder! AXE...har har har har!
me: well sir you have to fill out the form on this website and get your manager to sign it and fax it to us.
customer: you know your favorite movie is coming out next month.
me: X Men. Yup.
customer: hahahahahaha! Well, erica this isn't eXACTly eXCitement you're dealing with here. can't you make an eXCEPtion just this one time?
me: No. Just fill out the form *undermybreath* prick.

3:36 PM |

Like the hunger site? This site has a page full of similar sites for all sorts of causes.

Link via: /usr/bin/girl

2:00 PM |

The Bappy Webmaster is just the best, I tell you. Really. Honestly. If you need webspace and want it free and easy, seriously consider BaPpY. Both times I've had problems the webmaster has gotten back with me within a couple of hours and either fixed it or told me how to fix it. Considering the fact that bappy is free...I think that's pretty damn good. :)

So my page should be alright now. Can someone check it in AOL and/or IE 4.x and let me know if the text is green and the background is blue? Much appreciated. Much much appreciated.

1:24 PM |

LaLaBlog likes WalkingBitch's White Trash Diner...and I can't say that I blame her. :)
12:25 PM |

Not your fault, Zuba. Don't worry about it. Honestly. I'm glad someone told me that it wasn't working right cause I never would have known.
10:51 AM |

I was interested in this whole Digital Divas thing and went to their website to check them out since it seems most of the people ragging the girl are Divas. This is in their "qualifications for membership" section:

"You must have a sharing, caring attitude; the desire and willingness to communicate and interact with other women like yourself for encouragement, support, and sharing ideas."

10:41 AM |


It's quite obvious to me that this girl is young. She has a page on her site dedicated to N'Sync. She did have a blog but now she's apparently taken it down. We've discouraged yet another young girl from doing stuff on the 'net, from coding, from learning from her older, more net saavy sisters because she didn't read every single blog out there and make sure her title didn't step on anyone's toes. It's sad that other women scared her off and made her feel like she had to take down her blog because of a TITLE. WORDS that mean just about nothing. She might have been the next Bill Gates if we'd just encouraged and supported her instead of making her feel bad.

Personally, I think that since her domain name is HOPPY it makes sense for her to use FROG since it rhymes with BLOG. I think it's cute and it works.

I think I heard somewhere that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but apparently that means nothing if it's unintentional.

10:09 AM |

I think I figured out the problem.

Bappy auto inserts a banner at the top of this page. Fine. Good. Whatever...for free webspace a banner on top of my page is a small price to pay.

HOWEVER, the banner is inserting itself BEFORE my HTML, HEAD, and BODY tags, so they aren't being recognized apparently. I've emailed the webmaster so I'll see what they can do, if anything. If they can't fix it I'll be moving locations cause I want my visitors to see my page the way it was intended, damn it. For now, just know that my page is best viewed with IE 5.x.

AOL sucks and so does having an old version of a browser.

P.S. - that last sentance is not meant to offend anyone or their choice of browsers. I'm just VERY frustrated and those two things are making me stress out on an otherwise fine Wednesday morning. Frustration, people, frustration.

9:48 AM |

Apparently my blog looks like complete shit and I didn't even know it. It looks FINE in IE 5, and I've checked it in other browsers and it was FINE It used to show up FINE in AOL and IE 4.x. But now, apparently it looks like complete ass so I'm just going to redo the entire thing.
8:58 AM |

Sarah made the comment in my guestbook that the dark text is hard to read. I don't know what dark text she's talking about since all my text is bright neon green. If you're talking about the text in my guestbook, though...the links in there...I can't control that color, unfortunately. It sucks, but I can't control it. I'd switch to another guestbook, but I have over 30 entries now and I don't want to lose those. Sorry. My page isn't perfect, no matter how badly I want it to be. But thanks, Sarah, for the compliment! :)
8:33 AM |

I'm sad. Really sad. I've emailed and sent two ICQ messages to De. Nothing. Not a peep. Not a "go away". Not a thing. NOTHING. This makes me really sad and worried. Last I heard she was having some health problems...and now I don't hear from her. I know I didn't email for a few days, but I don't think that's reason to ditch me all together. Maybe it is. Maybe if I knew I would have more than two friends. Feh.

I was thinking about this while laying...lying...I never can get that damn 'lay' bed last night. I tossed and turned for more than an hour wondering what it is that makes a friend. Not just a friend...I mean...A FRIEND, someone who is with you till the end. A person that would do for you as much as you would do for them without question, without holding it over your head, without regret, and without being asked. I've also wondered why I always seem to push people away just when they start to get uncomfortably close.

Perhaps it's my fault. Maybe I just don't like people knowing all that much of me. I think it makes me feel vulnerable and open so I just push them away, in my own way, so they don't have a chance to hurt me. I like to think I'm a big tough grown up, but there are still far too many ways in which I am just a trembling tear stained child. Perhaps this medium is easiest with me to air my feelings and thoughts because most of the people that read are anonymous - faceless, to me at least - and it's easier for me to digest that people are sharing my life if I don't have to interact on an individual basis with them. If I was a liar I'd say none of this was true, that I'm a good friend, and I'm there for the people I care about. That statement is true to an extent, but I can't say it's true 100% and that, in itself, makes me sad. I'm sad that I'm not the person I sometimes like to think I am, always wish I was, and someday hope to be.

8:18 AM |

How cute is she? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwah doll.
7:53 AM |

Tuesday, June 6

Hello and welcome to today's edition of

Is it a flower or is it a weed?

and I'm your host Erica the Green Green Thumb!

Can you tell me if this is a weed or a plant/flower?

The plant is pretty close to the ground. the leaves are a tiny bit curled in on the edges, but I had to squish them down in the scanner. Do I pick it? Do I leave it? What do I do?

9:16 PM |

There are days that I miss you and days that I could care less. I miss you today, even though it's a Tuesday. Tuesdays aren't usually special "wow I'm really missing that person" sorts of days, but for some reason I can't seem to stop thinking about you. I don't even know why things are the way they are between the two of us. Can I change them? Probably not. Would I if I could? Absolutely. Long gone are the days of giggle phone calls and deep talks and meeting for chicken stir fry. You've cried on my shoulder and I on yours.Seems like an awful thing to throw away to me, but maybe that's because I am the throw-ee and not the throw-ER.

I went to your page again the other day. You seem sad. I want to reach out but feel like I just can't. I wish I knew why, but I just can't. Reach out, girl, cause I'm here.

7:49 PM |

Well I think that's pretty much all the moving around and rearranging I'm going to be doing. Whatcha think? I think the layout makes more sense and is much much cleaner...but maybe that's just me.

Still tossing around the idea of making a midwestern bloggers ring, but no one has emailed me saying it was a good idea or a bad I don't think I'm going to waste my time if there's no interest.

I feel bad for hitting that damn publish button so many times and making Power Bloggers think that I'm making new entries. I was just updating and checking and rechecking and moving and rearranging. I feel like I fooled it into thinking I was a blogging fool, but really I'm just not.

So I finally wrote Delia yesterday. I haven't heard back from her yet. I have a feeling deep down I'm not going to. I don't know why, I just do. This makes me sad...very very very sad. It's my fault and I'm a big dweeb and made her feel bad and stuff. Gee, I wonder why I have no friends. Sigh.

6:45 PM |

I'm going to be moving stuff around for a little bit...tweaking the design since I'm not 100% satisfied with bear with me if things look/feel fucked up.
4:30 PM |

I feel so unappreciated right now.

I just spent the last 5 minutes talking a customer through the ordering process. I went above and beyond what is expected of me. I told her phone numbers, web sites, names, processes, everything. She then, after I get done, says, "Huh?" as if she wasn't listening to a god damned word I was saying.

That, my friends, is Reason #2947 Why I Hate My Job.

Dear Customers,

Don't ask me to help you and then not listen to a word I say! Don't ask me for the same phone number THREE FUCKING TIMES within a five minute period. Don't ask me to do this shit for you, because I am just not going to do it. You actually have to do some work. I know you're not used to it but do it anyhow. Please read thru the emails that I send you and don't just scan them and call me back to tell me you don't understand. You don't understand because you didn't read it, jackass!

And while you're at it, show me some respect. I am a human being and not just a "phone person". I have feelings so please refrain from calling me names. I do have ears. I don't make the rules, I just follow them...JUST LIKE YOU. I am not out to make your day miserable. I do not get pleasure in telling you that you did it wrong. I do not like to get bitched at by everyone. I'm here to help you, so show me some blasted respect and get your head out of your ass. ARGH.

Your Friendly Customer Care Representative

Resident Whipping Post

2:55 PM |

Also, thanks to the ever lovely dolemite for helping me fix the error in AOL. It works. No errors.

But now I owe him.

2:20 PM |

Yay! Richter's FINALLY got and processed my order...they got it the 30th and they shipped it yesterday! TOMORROW I will have my plants! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
2:01 PM |

I've just been told that my new little 'open links in new window' javascript crashes AOL. Is anyone else getting this?
12:59 PM |

Kitschbitch. redesign...flaming eye...I like it. :)

I also just realized that I forgot to mail my freakin car payment that was due 10 days ago! DAMN IT!

12:01 PM |

I just saw a flying alien in my Evian.
11:56 AM |

I'm supa glad that I don't have to do this shift any more after today. I hate this shift during summer. It kills me to look outside and know that I am not going to get to feel the sun at ALL today. Feh.

I'm broke. Again. No news there cause I am always god damn broke.

I'm tossing around the idea of starting a midwestern blog ring. What do you think? I know they're a lot of work, 'specially if they take off, but I think it'd be fun cause I am a dork like that.

I'm still hyper as hell but it's getting a little better I think. Mom said, "Just think of all the cals you're burning." I think I'm getting some sort of heart flutter though which isn't good. If it continues I will contact Karen B.

My plant baby doubled in size yesterday. I'm starting to wonder what my plant's going to look like after the baby comes full size. I don't think I'll like it all that well. The reason I chose that plant is because it was so striking with its magenta middle and the leaves were so graceful. shrug. We'll see.

I guess I don't have anything important or thoughtful to say today so I'll just leave it at that.

11:31 AM |

Monday, June 5

Ooh damn am I ever glad that I don't live with Matt.
6:57 PM |

OKay so there are blog webrings for just about every region 'cept for the Midwest! Does that suck or is it just me?
6:39 PM |

I can't sit still. I can't. I'm bouncing in my chair...literally. I look like a friggin' dumbass. But I've been researching this drug and this is what I found:

"Furthermore, while 34.5% of patients receiving tricyclic antidepressants gained weight, only 9.4% of patients treated with bupropion [Welbutrin] did."

5:25 PM |

Whoa. I just took this quiz and I scored 78 points. If you get over 54 you're severely depressed. I guess I show more signs than I thought. Not only are my sleeping and eating patterns messed up, but I have difficulty concentrating, I feel trapped in my life, I feel guilty, I feel fatigued, I get agitated and can't sit still or don't feel comfortable anywhere or in anything.

Dang. Where's that psychiatrist's number again?

4:47 PM |

Mental health glossary...not very complete, but pretty dern good.
4:22 PM |

I had posted this earlier, but I dunno where it went...hmm...

I'm so proud of Zuba! She learned the A HREF tag and used it correctly after only one tutorial session...wooowooo!

Just took Mr. Butrin for the second time today (that could be taken in such the wrong way). Karen B. said not to take it after 3, but I can't help that my schedule is wicked fucked up and I don't have lunch until 3. They also recommend taking it 8 hours apart but with my schedule that's just not possible if I want to sleep, like, EVER.

4:11 PM |

I know she's just a kid, but I can't figure out if this is a joke or not.
4:03 PM |

My new favoritist thing in the entire world is

cream cheese puffs from Leann Chin.

YUM. It's a little bit of cream cheese wrapped up in an eggroll a little pocket. YUM YUM YUM! Veghead friendly and I don't have to miss eggrolls any more! :)

I can't find a Leann Chin website but I understand that it's a chain. This is the first one in our area, so I don't really know. They rock. I like their colors (navy blue, a nice shade of fuscia, and lemon yellow). Their prices are reasonable. They made me something fresh when I asked. You can sample anything that they have pre-made.

And they serve Pepsi.

3:50 PM |

Yay I finally got that damn 'open links in new window' javascript to work! woohoo! so use it, alright? cause it took me a while to get it right...

I think I'm going to work 8-5. I mean, if I hate's only a month right? If I want, I can always go to a later shift in 4 short weeks. I'm going to try it and see how it goes. I just have to set a bedtime for myself of 10pm. (Yeah. Right.)

So if someone wants to be my friendly wakeup call every morning...I'll give you a dollar. Really I will.

2:11 PM |

Alright my boss emailed me back and said that I can work the 8-5 shift. That's way too early for me and the traffic at that time *SUCKS*. ARGH! Now I don't know what to do...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck...
12:07 PM |

Andrea, Andrea, Andrea...girl I know that feeling. My hair was straight until I turned 18, when it started getting wavy. It waved for a few years and I resisted by blowdrying it straight. It finally got to the point that I just let it go and do what it wanted. Now I am all vain about it and I totally treasure my hair. I spend toooo much money on hair products. I go to a "curly hair specialist" to get my hair cut. I have a very strange love/hate relationship with my hair. I hate it, but can't imagine it any other way.
11:43 AM |

Oh and by the way, the Work Crush Boy went OUT OF HIS WAY to say hi to me.

Uhm, hi asshole.

11:29 AM |

I actually stuck up for myself and told my bosses that I don't like this shift and I do not want it and that it's not good for me to come home when there's no sunlight left. It's not. The 9-6 shift made me feel semi-normal...going to/leaving work at a somewhat normal time. As much as I don't like to wake up at 7am, it's prolly good for me. So I bitched. I sent them an email and told them that it wasn't fair that I got this shift because NO ONE ELSE in my department works it **EVER**. It's not fair, plain and simple. I won't let them do this to me. Corporate fuckers.

Today's the first day that I have to take two doses of Mr. Butrin. I took it this morning and right now my right leg is bobbing up and down and I can't stop it for more than a second. Yesterday I took it and then a half hour later I was out in the garden and I didn't stop until it was done. I can't decide if I like this or not...this zooooooooooooom side effect. =/

Work sucks. I hate this place. Feh.

11:28 AM |

I ALREADY hate this farging shift. Yuck.

I can't believe how crappy it is outside! It's dreary and grey and cold and windy.

Hello, Mother Nature? Hi. Well I just wanted to remind you that IT'S JUNE. Thank you.

9:34 AM |

Sunday, June 4

I got bamboozled into working 11-8 again this month. I don't want to work 11-8. I was kind of enjoying having several hours of sunlight after I got home each night even if I did have to fight traffic every day. When they suggested it and asked me did I say no? Of course not. Did I say, "You can take that 11-8 shift and shove it up your ass?" DID I? No way. I just said yes and made it easy for everyone else 'cept myself. I hate when I do that crap. Ugh.

Day # 3 with my new friend and lover Mr. Butrin
Today I felt pretty good. I had the energy to do all that work in the garden which is a good thing and not something I would have done a few weeks ago...just wouldn't have had the energy. I had a headache today...pretty bad one...but I took some of the lovely Excedrin Migraine and it went away. I think it's helping with my sore muscles too. Tomorrow, though, is my first day with taking two pills (I've been taking one thus far) so we'll see how that goes. It's also MONDAY and the first day of my shitty shift...UGH. Tomorrow should be fun. Positive attitude, Erica...positive attitude...

11:55 PM |

Uhm okay I hate this.

I was MUDding and got dead...on accident, mind you...meant to hit E and hit I died...and my character got PURGED! What does that mean? It means I had to start ALL OVER again...with nothing. Sigh. Good thing Beetlejuice was on so he helped me get my stuff back, so I could sell it and have SOME money...but still! UGH!


11:30 PM |

Last night:

Dolores: Are you feeling old, Erica?
Me: Yeah. I used to be able to party. Now I just get heartburn.

7:24 PM |

Reason #61 Why I Hate ICQ:

Picture this...I'm innocently surfing, reading blogs, updating Zuba's site, (yes all at once)...and I get this message:

absolutelycurtains: hi how r u (ed note: I should have known at this point when this asshole used 'r' instead of 'are' and 'u' instead of 'you' that I was in trouble.)
RavenSpirit: I'm fine. You?
absolutelycurtains: pretty good
are u single
RavenSpirit: Uhm yes. Why
absolutelycurtains: do u want to get drunk
RavenSpirit: Uhm no thanks.

*shakes head*

6:57 PM |

Oh boy am I ever sore.

I pulled all of the weeds from the front flower bed, turned all of the soil, raked it all, and spread the seed/mulch/fertilizer stuff over the entire thing. At least it wasn't hot as hell outside.

I feel good today, despite being sore. I got up at a decent hour, went outside and played in the dirt, and now I'm MUDding. :) I think Karen B was right when she said that Mr. Butrin was 'uplifting'. It also might be the placibo effect thing...since I went and I'm doing the right thing and taking some steps forward. Now I just have to call the number she gave me so I can go see a...dun dun dun...psychiatrist. *shivvvver*

I feel bad. Zuba called me today while I was MUDding and I couldn't talk to her cause I was all worried about being lost. She just laughed, though, cause she understands that I'm weird.

I also feel bad cause I haven't written Delia in like 4 days. She wrote me this really long really good email and I haven't reponded. I guess it's because there's nothing that I can really say to it because I know she's right about everything she said in that email. I think, too, that some of the stuff she said was too intense for me at the moment I read it and I've needed a few days for that all to sink in and for me to process it adequately. I feel bad because she thinks I anti heart her and then I do this. =( I'm a bad friend. Bad bad Erica.

I really need to get out of this CD mode I am in. I listen to the same 10 CDs over and over. UGH! What is with me and music? I just get into this loop and I can't get out. It's so bad. Ugh. At least I have some variations on the Ani theme that I had going for a while there...that's all I wanted to listen to...ANI ANI ANI.

I wish wrestling was on.

5:50 PM |

Just got back from my sister's college graduation party. Everyone was there...friends, family, friends of the family. They got a keg and some really nice cakes and had some food and stuff. I sat at the picnic table talking to the growed ups about my flowers and my cat. I occasionally looked over to the table where my sisters and their friends were. It almost made me yearn to be that way again...young (not that I'm old...I'm but damn it I'm getting there), partying, having a good time, laughing, taking pictures...but there I was, sipping my caffeine free Sprite and talking about different types of manure.

Before I left, the 'kids' were playing crazy music and shakin' their booties in my mom's living room. This is, obviously, several hours and 1/2 a keg later so the laughing and partying has reached a new noise level. I just hit the overload point and realize that I really had to leave. I just couldn't be there any more with all of that insaneness going on around me. I guess in a way I was jealous because I know I'll never have that in my life again. I'll never be just out of college, still living at home, looking for a real job, spending every weekend night out at the bar with my friends doing shots of Jagermeister. In a way I'm happy, too, because I realize fully that I've outgrown that. Don't get me wrong, the partying thing is great for a while and I suggest everyone does it while they can...but I'm just not into that any more.

Sometimes I wonder how I'm ever going to meet any body because I never go anywhere. Zuba says it's because we Detroit folk drive everywhere. I go to work, come home, go on the computer, watch TV, talk to Zuba or Delia on the phone, and go to sleep. Repeat 4 more times. Weekend: wake up, go on the computer, mess around the house, watch TV (maybe), computer s'more, go to the store, do laundry, pet my cat, drink tea, sleep. Sundays I go to my mom's for dinner. That's it. That's my life. BORING. Ugh. No wonder I'm depressed.

1:26 AM |

open links in new window?


random shot

deep thoughts






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