Wednesday, May 24

This is so freakin' cool. Apparently my bed is in a good spot! yay!

link courtesy of katy

5:54 PM |

One more thing...

Why do Canadians (and others, too for that matter) always refer to my country as "the States"?

Am I weird for finding that odd? It's AMERICA, damn it.

5:26 PM |

Just got off the phone with Richter's Herbs. Apparently the order that I sent in a week and a half ago hasn't gotten there yet! The ever-so-friendly customer service rep said, "Well, we had a holiday on Monday, it reeeely messes up the mail delivery. Our mail system is just aboot as good as yers."

I love Canadian people in general. It always seems like they're allllmost American but they sigh a lot and remind us that...NO...they're Canadian. Plus they say aboot. And dowler. And they have colors on their money.

I'm having major big time drive me insane problems with my tights today. They're too short so they keep falling down but not completely falling down just partially falling down then my thighs rub together and feel clammy and the tights rip a little and irritate my skin and I get elephant ankles and it just plain ol' sucks.


I'll be on my way to Madison in 12 short hours!

5:15 PM |

Delia...this is for you.
4:59 PM |

Wayside Entertainment - I went to Central Michigan University with the founder of this production company...he's in L.A. now! GO MATT!
4:48 PM |

Mom, please don't get mad.
3:15 PM |

Whining at my team leader and supervisor hasn't seemed to work...I am still chained to my desk.

My eyes have decided that goobering up is a great idea for Wednesday, May 24th...apparently they are feelin' the need to annoy.

I went to a coney island for a greek salad. While I was standing at the counter waiting for my order, a woman came up to the cash register right near me. The women was quite pleasant a teacher. She had bright honest eyes, a toothy smile, and was wearing a cute dress. She handed her tab to the girl behind the register and said, "Honey...I think you forgot to put my pie on the bill."

She whispered it. I could barely hear her. Granted, she had a bit of extra weight on her...but nothing that would consitute a whisper of the word PIE, for crying out loud. She said it as if she was ashamed that she ordered, consumed, and was about to pay for a piece of cherry pie. It saddened me to think that this woman was embarassed.

I can't say, though, that if I was in her situation I would have reacted differently. I surely wouldn't scream out, "Guess what guys...the fat girl just ate some pie. Why don't you oink at her as she walks past you on the way out," like Zuba would. I started thinking about why I would be embarassed and why I would feel the need to whisper. I couldn't come up with an answer and that, in and of itself, bothered me more.

Am I overweight? Certainly.
Am I ashamed of who I am? Not in the slightest.
Should I be embarassed about ordering a piece of freakin' pie? NO!

This image-centric society (I know...I cliche) has guilted me into feeling like I need to feel bad. I am constantly bombarded with images of women with unnatural bodies. I've ranted about that before, so I'll just leave it at this...

I refuse to be ashamed of ordering a piece of pie.

3:00 PM |

I feel sloppy today.

My outfit feels sloppy. I'm walking sloppy. I'm dripping and bumping and stumbling and messing. My hair is mega messy.

I just want to go home and get ready for my train ride, damn it.

2:16 PM |

Wise Women of the Web

cause girls kick ass.

12:36 PM |

Okay this is just way too wicked cool.

I'd post it even if the company wasn't started by bloggers.

10:01 AM |

Wow I didn't blog at all last night...weird. I was really busy packing for my big trip.

Look out Madison...HERE I COME!

24 hours from now I will be on the train, halfway to Chicago. 36 hours from now I will be IN Madison...partying like a rock star...well, maybe not quite like that...but having some hardcore fun, damn it!

I packed last night. I'm so weird when it comes to packing. I gotta try and pack clothes that will a) be comfortable b) pack well (no rayon items...wrinkle factor) c) be able to be worn in cooler and warmer weather d) look cool.

That, my friends, is quite a standard that each piece of clothing must meet before going into the bag. Oh, and did I mention I have to try and make outfits out of this mess? It's not easy being neurotic.

Then, of course, there is the small matter of hair products. I am a product addict. I admit it openly. If there was a Hair Products Anon (HPA) I would be the first member. My family and friends would surely have an intervention to be sure I realized that I have a problem. They'd send me to the meetings with wet hair, no money, and with no salon stops on the way.

HOW am I supposed to choose which products I'm going to need while I'm there? I can't possibly know how humid it's going to be or how my hair's going to behave after being washed in different water. I just have to bring it all, I guess...shampoo, conditioner, spray gel, hairspray, pommade, and anti frizz stuff.

I'm really not high maintenance...really.

So that means that I will be away until blogging. True, C & D have a computer...but I don't think I'll have much to blog about or care to while I am there. I think I am still too new to warrant a guest host.

But I have the rest of the day to go go go nuts!

9:39 AM |

Tuesday, May 23

An actual voicemail message recorded a few minutes ago on a girl named Chanda's voicemail:

"Hi Chandler, this is John from Austin, Texas. Please cease and dissist on ticket number [ticket]."

Firstly...CHANDLER? Her voice is about as high pitched and girly as they come.
Second...JOHN FROM AUSTIN?! How is that supposed to help her? Leave a last name and/or phone number, Jack.
CEASE and DISSIST? Oh good gravy. At least he didn't say NINER.

4:03 PM |

I just plain ol' LOVE this page. Gothic Martha Stewart!
2:28 PM |

This has turned my stomach.
12:16 PM |

Wendy! Wendy! Your future husband is smaht. He could design a house for you. Uh huh.
11:58 AM |

I guess moderate mold means moderate headache.
11:42 AM |

It takes a lot for me to get grossed out and to think that people are just WRONG...but I couldn't help myself with this one...

link from underachievers

11:10 AM |

Things I've learned in the past week:

~sometimes spraying my hair is *not* the right thing to do.
~there is, somewhere in Metro Detroit, a bumper sticker that says, "BUCKLE UP OR EAT GLASS".
~Work Crush Boy is moving and that does not make me sad.
~sometimes bigger is not better...unless you're talking about The which case...bigger *IS* better. meow.
~there is, also in Metro Detroit, a license plate that reads: TOY4PAT...on a 1997 Geo Metro. Behind the wheel of said Metro is an asshole that drives like he's a 16 year old hormone on his way to his first piece of ass. Really he's an upper-middle aged man with a salt and pepper mullet and a really bad old school tattoo on his forearm.
~my mom knows how to use the word karma in a sentance.
~sometimes it's best just to cry it out...but sometimes Ben and Jerry's helps.

9:58 AM |

I just posted something and Blogger ate it! What's going on?
9:52 AM |

Monday, May 22

If you smell what The Rock is cookin'...
11:33 PM |

I love the smell of spring rain. I think it smells different in the city than it does in the country, simply because of the concrete percentage factor. I think I'm partial to the city smell, just because I've grown up with it. It's comfortable to me.

The drops sailing down from the clouds hit my skin in two phases. The first is the initial impact. My flesh is tricked into thinking the rain is making an indent of some sort. Next I feel the distinct spread of the water. My skin soaks it up, thirsty. The entire process is over in milliseconds, but I can feel each stage individually unfold.

The drops are warm...comfortable...lovely. It isn't the type of rain that makes you blink blink blink to keep it from getting in your eye and smudging your's more the type of rain that's a fuzzy sort of pleasurable damp. It's not cold or harsh or stinging to the skin. There's a hypnotic rhythm to the splashes.

I am drawn in.

I keep walking.

9:03 PM |

WOW. That lady in my office has got huge Pat Benetar 80's hair.

Somebody hold me. I'm afraid.

5:10 PM |

Apparently 5:00 is a bad time for the network here, because I can't get to a single website right now. Grrrrrrrr.

Apparently it's a major tragedy around here when there's construction on I75 heading towards snooty Rochester.

Apparently the restaurant people told my mom that last night's meal was, in fact, vegetarian. Liars. They best prepare to hear me bitch.

Apparently losing Tupperware is cause for a co-worker's wife to kill him. A Tupperware lady killing her husband over lost items sure seems extreme to me.

Apparently I don't have the patience to be here today. I am counting the minutes until I get to leave.

Apparently I am most attractive to men that are married or otherwise taken. What gives?

Apparently year-old Play-Doh dries out even if you keep the lid on it.

5:07 PM |

Ugh. Insta-stomach ache.
3:31 PM |

Non-vegetarian meal *CONFIRMED*

I just got a good look at the leftovers from last night's dinner and sure enough....MEAT...finely ground up MEAT. UGH. No wonder I was sick all night last night.

3:17 PM |

My sister just had me searching the web like a mad woman. I was trying to find driving directions from a hotel in MUNICH GERMANY to the airport in the same city. Of course they wouldn't post the address of the airport anywhere on the web...ooooooooooh no...that'd be too easy. I got a page where I could enter the addresses and get directions but so sorry I couldn't help her more.

Mom also emailed me today about work related stuff.

I kinda like being the family's techno geek...even if I'm not *that* tech-know-ed.

2:57 PM |


Good gravy.

1:19 PM |

Thank goodness I'm going to Madison this week. I don't think I could handle another full week of work.

Well, it's official...I'm in another depression. Being the good little depressive that I am I know these things. How can I tell? What qualifies me to diagnose myself? Well, I've been dealing with this depression roller coaster since I was about 12...I know myself and my cycle and my symptoms by now.

~last week I was sleeping 4-5 hours a night. This weekend/today 12 hours didn't seem to be enough. BIG red flag.
~I'm eating everything and anything I long as its not good for me. Good-for-me food makes my stomach turn...literally.
~Housemates are saying I'm "anti-social". Big red flag when other people start to notice that you don't want to be around anyone. They're right...I don't want to be around anyone. I'm happy by myself. Even the cat is bugging me.
~I'm hating my job. HARDCORE.

I know I should go get back on meds...I really do. I don't want to. I hate how I feel when I'm on I can't cry even if my life depended on it. I always end up feeling like a zombie. Feh. I'd rather be riding on an emotional yo yo than be a zombie of constant feelings.

11:47 AM |

Sunday, May 21

I like clear skin just as much as the next guy, but this is way disturbing.
11:06 PM |

Just got back from dinner with mom and Tony and their friends. Mom's friend Tim is the epitome of goof ball. I mean, he's a grown man and he actually turned to me and said, "Hey Erica, pull my finger"...and he was serious. You just have to love him and his immature sense of humor. You can tell he's a happy man and that's all that counts. I give big time kudos to his wife; I know I couldn't put up with him.

My mom did the coolest thing, too. Before I got to the restaurant she ordered for me. She looked on the menu, decided what I would like, and ordered it so it would be there when I arrived. Pretty dern cool of her. She even got it right...spinach and basil gnocci with red peppers. It was deeeelish. I think there was some sort of unknown animal product in it though cause I have a stomach ache now. Feh.

Anyhow, the point of all this...?

On the way home I drove down Mound Road...the road that I had to drive on every day while growing up. We lived in a little sub off of Mound my entire life. The first house was on Bob Jean (insert banjo music here) and then we moved two streets over several years later cause mom liked the neighborhood so much. Anyhow I drove down Mound and this is what I saw...

Hey...that used to be a business...a flower shop I think...hmph...guess it's not anything but an abandoned building now. Oh and look...there's the street where my sister's friend's parents live. Is Four Bears Water Park closing down or are they just remodeling? I remember in junior high everyone used to say it was all a big mafia front and that Jimmy Hoffa was buried underneath the water slide. Then in highschool everyone just thought it was a big mafia front; nix the Hoffa corpse. Now I realize it really *is* a mafia front but no one ever says it.

Look...that's the street we used to FLY down in the middle of the night cause the hills were just so fun to drive over really really fast in the dark. Whoa...that plaza never used to be there. And I remember when I used to take dance lessons over there on the right. Last I heard my friend Eracka used to live in the apartments right behind there...wonder what ever happened to her. Ooh the touchless carwash that I used to never be able to afford or care about but my sister and mom insisted on going to so it wouldn't scratch their paint.

Now here's the sad part...that was my very first back yard right there...and the field that I used to think had snakes in it...and we'd chase the fireflies and catch them in leftover Mason jars that my mom always used for canning tomatoes and jam and fresh grape juice made from the grapes that grew on the back fence. My dad got us a two story play house and we used to keep it under that tree right....well I guess they had to tear the tree down so that someone could park there. The field isn't there any more either. It's a doctor's office now, and I think an industrial tool supply shop or something.

There's a subdivision in the field across the road from the sub I lived in...the field that had a patch of trees next to a creek where all the big kids used to go to and smoke cigarettes and say dirty words. I went back there once when they weren't there so I could see where they hung out and committed all of these sins. They caught me and almost beat the snot out of me but thank god I heard them coming in time to get a head start.

The ditch is still there that I fell into while riding my bike. Of of the *bad* memories still has a reminder. Damn, that thing felt about ten feet deep when I was a kid. I was always so scared to ride next to it because I thought some sort of swamp thing was going to jump out and grab my ankle and pull me in. I found out the hard way that there's no swamp thing in the ditch...only lots of mucky water and leaves. I had to go home after I fell in; you just can't look cool with ditch slime sticking to your leg.

There's the party store that we used to walk to during the summer. We'd take back a few bottles and with the money we got (Michigan has a ten cent bottle return) we'd buy some candy or, if we were lucky, an ice cream bar. Our treats would be gone by the time we got home so mom didn't get mad that we'd eaten junk food.

My childhood memories are buried underneath concrete and sod. It makes me sad. Very sad.

9:36 PM |

I'm watching HGTV. I hate to admit that I actually enjoyed the Golden Trowel Awards. Oh boy.
6:01 PM |

I discovered this a long time ago...but they'd shut it down last I checked. It's back up, man. Groovy.
3:28 PM |

Hours of fun for the whole family
3:17 PM |

Isn't it amazing how much a 15 minute shower can reviatlize you? I love it. I feel sooooooo much better right now.

And I decided to dip into the Madison Fund and take out 10 bucks so I have enough money for gas to get to and from me mommy's house. Huzzah yet again.

On a different note, I noticed on my stats that I got 4 referring hits from the Feminist Media Watch. Uhm...why? how? where? who? I read it every day and there's not a'one thing about this here page. Weird.

It also appears that there are actual people reading this drivel. I think I like it...but I'm not sure.

2:51 PM |

I can't go see my mom and sister today because I have no money for gas. Tell me how much this blows.

She thinks I'm staying home so I can blog. *buzz* wrong again.

I feel likey poopy.

1:57 PM |

Whoa! I just took a two hour nap. Where the hell did that come from? Bizarre-o, I tell you.

If I hear that Tori CD one more time I think I just might go postal. Ugh. Time to switch it.

Why do I refuse to eat my own leftovers? I'll make something totally yummy, really enjoy it, but let the leftovers rot in my fridge. Am I just that picky that I refuse to eat the same meal within a certain number of days? Maybe. I never feel like cooking, so when I do I should enjoy the fruits of my labor. Sheesh.

1:26 PM |

Per a link provided by Matt L, these are the top five places that I should live, based on my preferences:

San Francisco, CA
Boston, MA
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA
Long Island, NY
San Jose, CA

Why am I not surprised?

10:15 AM |

See? Told yah I can't sleep in past ten. I woke up at nine. Feh.

No bad dreams last night that I remember...HUZZAH!

And today is Sunday which is the day that I go to my mom's house for dinner and visiting. I'm a happy egg today.

9:17 AM |

open links in new window?


random shot

deep thoughts






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